PEOPLE’S MARCH January 18, 2025
The recent election can have far reaching consequences for our vulnerable communities.
For Immediate Release: Saturday, January 18, 11 AM, meeting at the Marathon Dems Office, 218 Sherman Street Wausau
Contact: Chair, Nancy Stencil, 715.581.7983
Come join Central Wisconsin's PEACEFUL PEOPLE’S MARCH. A place for us to all come together and let the world know WE WON'T BE SILENT!
“A place to fight for women's rights, BIPOC rights, reproductive rights, LQBTQIA+ rights, disability rights, ...
Where Have all the Monarchs Gone?
I just enjoy sitting on my patio, surrounded by the beautiful native plants that grow all along the patio. It is a wonder to me to watch the bees, moths and butterflies along with the birds that visit the plants. If I am quiet enough and don’t move, it is very common to have a goldfinch or other birds that are hungry and want to eat, fly and land on a stalk from the flower that is no more than 6 feet away from me. The birds will stay there as long as I don’t make any quick motions, or my dog doesn’t disturb them. There is nothing better than to see all this ...
Project 2025 Explained: The Right-Wing Policy Map
Project 2025 Explained: The Right-Wing Policy Map For Trump – Promotes Mining in Indian Nation Lands, in the Boundary Waters, in Alaska & the Arctic Circle, in Arizona, in Colorado, & in New Mexico; and Eliminates Climate Change and Conservation Initiatives
Key Facts about Mining, Oil & Gas Drilling, Climate Change, and Conservation in Project 2025
Project 2025, spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation with help from more than 277 individual contributors and 100 other conservative groups, is a multi-part plan for the next conservative administration—...
cooperation [ koh-op-uh-rey-shuhn ]
an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit
mutually beneficial interaction among organisms [nations] living in a limited area [planet Earth]
Boarding Spaceship Earth in 1895, Buckminster Fuller arrived with very poor vision. This wasn’t realized and corrected until he was in boyhood. As an adult Fuller saw this as a blessing because it had trained him to naturally envision the larger picture – the synergetic whole. This led to the publishing of Fuller’s book, Operating Manual ...
Tim Wallis, is traveling across the country this spring to educate more people through his newest book: Warheads to Windmills: Preventing Climate Catastrophe and Nuclear War. As the book title says: our two biggest existential threats--climate breakdown and nuclear weapons--can and must be addressed, both urgently and simultaneously. Here is a link to more information on Tim and the new book: (you can paste that link in your browser).
Tim's presentation is of interest to several constituencies: Peace and Environmental groups ...
The groundswell of trash talk around electric cars leaves me, an owner of both a Chevy Volt first, and now a Bolt, mystified, angry, but hardly speechless. Mystified, because the complaints about EV's bear no similarity to my own experience with them over the past six and a half years. Angry, because I'd bet good money that the source of the snow job comes directly from the fossil fuel industry first, and anyone hawking the Infernal Combustion Engine (ICE), second. After almost seven years behind the wheel of an EV here is what I have found.
My entry into the EV ...
Academic AND Vocational Education
Sidetracking traditional education and leaning into vocational training at an early age will only exacerbate cultural division in the U.S. Much of what currently upsets under-educated Americans is that they do not understand much of what they have to deal with on a daily basis. It’s not news that people fear the unknown.
The anti-vaxxers are a perfect example—people who know nothing about viruses or how they function in the human body or how vaccines work to provide a level of immunity. So there’s all this pressure from the educated (scientists, doctors) and ...
The Gift of Yellow Leaves
If there be wood sprites at play upon this land let them dress up in all the yellows of a late autumn day. Glorious October yellow stands of unruly tamarack, meandering branches that twist and turn like dervishes, sublime with ecstasy, begin our journey across the enchanted north woods. Poplar and birch, both paper and gray, rise up on sturdy, ballet toes, twirl exuberantly yellow beyond compare. Even the few not yet naked maples glint yellow amid a myriad of other colors. You would never call it an explosion of yellow, or accuse the lemon forest of being ablaze. ...
Historically, two of the strongest indicators that a dominant "empire" is irreversibly in decline, are the financialization of its economy (manipulating money to make money - effectively parasitism) and excessive militarism (to defend and spread its parasitism). The US now exhibits these indicators in spades. Our nation, the United States, follows the path of previous great powers exiting the stage.
But again, speaking historically, the equation is different this time around. Humanity, for the first time, faces two great threats to our actual ongoing presence on Earth ...