128 results for author: Nancy Tabaka-Stencil

Meet and Greet Potluck Picnic


  Friends for Peace, We will be walking around the 400 Block each Saturday morning at 10 am until about 11:30.  Many come to walk and many come to sit on the corners of the 400 Block with signs and flags to be present for people who want to stop to talk. Please join us as you are able! Bring a new sign if you have time.  We do have some to share if you need one! All of our hearts should be open, and in doing this we will be strengthened to take actions in support of a peaceful solution. In Solidarity, Carolyn, Claudette, Nancy and David


Little did I know when I started volunteering here how much this would grow on me. There is great need in our comunity and often those with the greatest needs are shunned. The problem of unhoused is not going away by wishing it away or incarcerating it away. And shame on those who say "not in my backyard." All I can say is, you have touched me, I have grown. Community Outreach Task Force is A Non-profit Organization with a mission to provide the basic living needs (and more) to the homeless. We are staffed by volunteers, so 100% goes directly to servicing the most vulnerable in our community. We fill a great need in our community. Homelessness is ...

Saving Social Security

Recently Wausau took part in a launch of Seniors for Biden in Wisconsin. We had former Alabama Senator Doug Jones come to Wausau to do a tour on Social Security and Medicare. Throughout the week, former U.S. Senator Doug Jones launched the “Protect Our Retirement” tour to campaign for President Biden across Wisconsin, with stops in Wausau, Green Bay, and Milwaukee. Doug Jones is a former U.S. senator and current civil rights attorney. In 2017, he won a special election to fill a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama—the first Democrat to do so in 25 years in the state. He also served as U.S. Attorney until 2001. It was while serving in that ...

Our Vote, Our Ballot Box

On Monday, May 13, at noon, several of us along with The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign met in front of City Hall. This type of event happened in five cities across the state: Madison, Milwaukee, Green Bay, Eau Claire and Wausau. In Wausau, we were joined by Katrina Shankland! May 13 the Wisconsin Supreme Court began hearing oral arguments in the Priorities USA v. WEC  case, which will decide the fate of ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin. In 2022, the Wisconsin Supreme Court outlawed ballot drop boxes in Teigen v. WEC under the guise of “ballot harvesting.” After the 2020 presidential election, conspiracy theorists who did not like the ...

Demonstrations Across Wisconsin 

  Demonstrations Across Wisconsin Please join the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans, American Federation of Government Employees Council 220, and other partner organizations as we call for Social Security to be protected, modernized and expanded! Attend a demonstration near you! All events start at noon and will last approximately one hour Rhinelander: Tuesday, May 15 meeting at 2023 Navajo Street wisconsin.retiredamericans.org Thank you to our friends at WJFW for the great reporting. This link will help you to understand what Social Security is up against. More 'boomers" are now retiring and yet the wealthiest Americans do not pay ...

Wisconsin Grassroots Network Festival

  On May 4th, at the Warch Campus Center Building in Appleton WI, Wisconsin Grassroots Network,  presented its' day long 15th Annual Festival at Lawrence University. There were a total of 18 breakout sessions to choose from. We heard Tom Kastle, and the Raging Grannies sing! The raging Grannies never disappoint! The absolute best were the special Keynote speakers John Nichols and Alan Minsky.

Earth Day 2024

A Nation Going Backwards

On this day two years ago, the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked and women across Wisconsin learned that they would be left with fewer rights than the generations that came before them. It’s sad that I grew up with more rights than my daughter now has. This is a nation going backwards.   Trump’s 2016 campaign promise to appoint justices’ intent on dismantling Roe v. Wade was a very clear sign of the dangerous times ahead – and his actions in office delivered on that promise. And now, because of Trump, more than 1 in 3 women of reproductive age live under extreme and very dangerous bans.   We ...

Our Vote, Our Ballot Box

  OUR VOTE, OUR BALLOT BOX Join us along with The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign on Monday, May 13 at noon in front of City Hall. This will happen in five cities across the state: Madison, Milwaukee, Green Bay, Eau Claire and Wausau. Are you or someone you know one of the key stakeholders in Wausau, folks impacted by drop boxes being taken away…. like healthcare heroes, single parents, senior citizens, or disabled? Please consider coming and speaking out! Here is the RSVP link: https://forms.gle/H2U1m3ZTxXR68tqD6