174 results for author: Dave Svetlik


cooperation [ koh-op-uh-rey-shuhn ] an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit mutually beneficial interaction among organisms [nations] living in a limited area [planet Earth]   Boarding Spaceship Earth in 1895, Buckminster Fuller arrived with very poor vision. This wasn’t realized and corrected until he was in boyhood. As an adult Fuller saw this as a blessing because it had trained him to naturally envision the larger picture – the synergetic whole. This led to the publishing of Fuller’s book, Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth, in 1969. Thinking of our planet as the large but actual ...


“PSYOP: Psychological operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of United States psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior perceived to be favorable to U.S. objectives.” Thus, the American people are continuously subject to a number of psychological operations otherwise known as “the news.” - - Consortium News   Michael Gorbachev became leader of the Soviet Union in 1985 during the U.S. Presidency of Ronald Reagan. Both men ...


It is rarely mentioned in US history or media that Russia – the Soviet Union – lost an estimated 27 million people to the Nazis in World War II. This is over 50 times more deaths than America suffered with the loss of 420,000. Few were the Russian families that did not grieve. It is also rarely mentioned in US history or media that Russia was far more instrumental in defeating the Nazis than America. Quoting Irish journalist Finnian Cunningham: “Still, let’s not forget that the Soviet Union had been battling the Third Reich for three years before the British and American landings in Western Europe. Stalin had pleaded with Roosevelt and ...


“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” “The people will believe what the media tells them they believe.” - - George Orwell   In 1961 the United States installed nuclear armed Jupiter missiles in Turkey near the Soviet Union’s border that were minutes from incinerating Moscow, St Petersburg, and other major Russian cities. The people of America were never told about this, but Russia certainly knew. Returning the favor, in 1962 Russia installed nuclear armed missiles in Cuba that were minutes from leveling Washington DC, New York, and other American cities. ...

No Choice?

I’ll be 77 in a few months. Supported Democratic candidates my entire voting life. Over half a century. An oft repeated phrase now stands out to me as I think about how politics have evolved in America over so many years: “The lesser of two evils.” Since the 1996 presidential election, after Bill Clinton had begun abandoning working Americans in favor of Wall Street during his first term in the White House, I feel have been voting for the lesser of two evils for the Oval Office. It has become painfully clear after almost 30 years of doing so, that voting for the lesser of evils is still voting for evil. It is likely this coming ...


  So...What is the result of Congress having given the Money Creation Power to the private banks???. . .   THE RESULT!!! Even though we have all the physical resources and people power needed to. . . Repair our crumbling infrastructure, fully provide for our elderly and retired citizens, provide free higher education for all of our youth, we can’t because Congress relinquished its Constitutionally delegated right–and duty–to create our nation’s money debt and interest free.  


“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson   Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution reads:   “The Congress shall have Power . . . To coin Money and regulate the Value thereof”   This is the money creation power vested in congress by the Constitution.   It is impossible to exaggerate ...


Homelessness has become a serious problem across every town and city in America. It taxes city councils and police departments alike. Yet homelessness across the nation is set to double in the next 5 years. This problem isn’t going away. In reality, there is little city councils or law enforcement can do to solve this problem. The roots of homelessness are national. Cities like Wausau, WI must deal with the immediate problems, but real solutions are outside of their control. Addressing concerns at the national level often seems hopelessly out of reach. But there is the compelling question that leaves us with no choice: Why is homelessness, ...


It is well known the United States started the war in Vietnam based on lies the about Gulf of Tonkin. An estimated 3 million Vietnamese and 50 thousand of our own servicemen were murdered by American “leadership.” Vietnam still suffers high levels of birth defects resulting from the U.S. use of chemical weapons. Villagers – children – were burned alive with napalm. Yes but, Putin is evil and China’s Xi Jinping is a dictator. In the 1990’s the Clinton Administration imposed brutal sanctions on Iraq in an attempt to force Iraqi leadership to conform to U.S. dictates. It was devastating for the people of that nation. An estimated 500 ...


American Gonzalo Lira died this past January 11th after being held in a Ukrainian prison for 8 months. Lira was a political commentator on social media who was critical of the U.S. and its proxy war in Ukraine. Abducted by Ukrainian authorities, he died for exercising the right of free speech. Lira received almost no coverage in western media. Despite pleas from Lira’s father, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine refused to lift a finger in behalf of an American citizen. President Joe Biden made no speeches about the death of Lira from illegal imprisonment in Ukraine, and surely did not blame Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for Lira’s passing. ...