309 results for author: Phil Anderson

Wisconsin’s August Election and Constitutional Amendments

Wisconsin has an election on Tuesday, August 13, 2024. This is normally a partisan primary with some local nonpartisan elections. But this time the election also includes two constitutional amendments. Voters may not know about these amendments or their impact if adopted. But they are important and will have negative consequences for many people. This is not an election to ignore. This article provides information, background and resources to help voters understand these amendments and their potential impact. The text of the amendments is legalistic. The average voter may not know what he or she is voting on from reading the proposed amendments. ...

Agenda47: a Platform for Disaster

“It’s We The People who’re being tested in this election – will we pursue the democratic values and progressive policies the great majority of us want for our children? Or will we fall into the egomaniacal autocracy and corporate kleptocracy that Trump is openly promising?” Jim Hightower, political commentator Agenda47 is the policy platform for Trump's second administration. It is a case study in ridiculous bombast masquerading as a policy document. It is devoid of any serious, thoughtful policy proposals. Agenda47 is full of ridiculous, inaccurate statements, half truths and attacks on his opponents and various groups of people. Ev...

“Liberal” is Good for America

“The two parties which divide the state, the party of Conservatism and that of Innovation, are very old and have disputed the possession of the world since it was made...” Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) There has always been tension between “conservatives” and “liberals” in social and political affairs. This has been a constant theme of American history. This election year's rhetoric will again emphasize these ideological divides. But because of the fact-free nature of our political debates and advertising this will result in more name calling and fear mongering than intelligent debate. So it is time, once again, to remind readers ...

Environmental Impact of Project 2025

The Republicans have a plan – called Project 2025.-- to make many drastic changes to the federal government if they win control in November. Last week I discussed the basic agenda to dismantle or weaken many federal government functions and services (“Project 2025 is on the ballot” June 6, 2024). In May I talked about their plans to restructure federal taxes (“Taxes are on the ballot in November” May 16, 2024). This article discusses their plans to change the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and environmental protection. Reading the “Mandate for Leadership” one soon discovers that the goal of the Project 2025 is not to protect or ...

Project 2025 is on the Ballot

The first Trump administration was chaotic, disorganized and included many inexperienced and incompetent appointees. Trump's own incompetence and erratic behavior prevented his administration from developing a coherent political agenda. He still managed to do a great deal of harm with exploding the deficit, federal judge appointments and further militarizing the southern border. But Trump's random tweets were not a governing agenda. This time the billionaires behind the Republican party are not relying on Trump's non-existent leadership abilities to advance their ideological and financial interests. They have a detailed plan to totally restructure ...

Support for Israel is not good for America

Recently Iran attacked Israel with missiles and drones. President Biden pledged full U.S. support to defend Israel. But is it really in the national interests of the United States to unconditionally support and defend Israel? Israel and Iran have been engaged in low level conflict for decades. The latest incident began when Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Damascus on April 1, 2024. Iran responded on April 13th with a drone and missile attack on Israel. U.S. military forces in the region were ordered to defend Israel and helped shoot down most of the Iranian drones and missiles. Mahatma Gandhi, the great advocate for non-violent conflict ...

It Happened Before and it Can Happen Again

I recently read several books on American history that have a message for what is happening in our country today. Today we face threats to democracy and to a just, civil society. We are seeing a rise of authoritarianism, resurgence of hate, racism, toxic religiosity, and the breakdown of civility in public life. There are threats of violence from far-right domestic terrorists. It has all happened before and can happen again. Rachel Maddow is a television commentator and author. Her latest book is “Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism.” The book tells the history of the right-wing efforts in the 1930s to undermine democracy and establ...

Military Spending is Destroying America

  “America’s leaders have embraced the very worst...preferring to be feared rather than loved, while putting power first and principle last...” William Astore, veteran, history professor and author. “Sticking to the current defense spending strategy is not only economically wasteful but will also make America and the world less safe.” William D. Hartung, political scientist who specializes in military and national security issues. We have a problem in our country with militarism. Militarism dominates our foreign policy, domestic policing, and national spending priorities. For eight decades our country has engaged in ...

Social Security is on the Ballot

Social Security works for all Americans. Social Security is essential to most people's present and future financial security. It is much more than retirement income for old folks. Social Security is very efficient with overhead costs which are way below those of private insurance companies. It is also very popular and the most successful public program in our history. So why are Republican politicians constantly trying to mess around with Social Security? Even more inexplicable, why do so many people, who benefit from Social Security, continue to vote for Republicans? Social Security is on the ballot in November and, if Republicans win ...

Project 2025