328 results for author: Phil Anderson
What I Want You To Know is a radically honest film about veterans, moral injury, and the post-9/11 wars. It offers an intimate journey alongside veterans as they share deeply personal stories from their deployments, exploring truth and justice in the context of their wars. Their depictions of moral injury provide a unique and critical perspective on the cost and consequences of war.
Catie Foertsch Producer / Director, Impact Campaign Director
Travis Weiner Executive Producer, Iraq veteran
Tommy Furlong Executive Producer, Afghanistan veteran
What I Want You To Know is now live on Kanopy!
Kanopy is a ...
Genocide in Duluth
Authors note: As I was finishing this article the news of a tentative ceasefire in Gaza was announced. This is good news, but there is no indication this agreement will result in peace in the region. The root causes of the conflict are not being addressed. The blockade of Gaza is not being lifted. Hamas remains in place. Israel's attitudes toward Palestinians remain unchanged. The U.S. support for Israel remains unconditional and likely to get worse with the new administration. Therefore, the message of this article remains relevant.
“If the U.S. and Israel can spin mass murder in Palestine as not just defensible, but even positive (“defeating ...
Impact of Mass Deportation on Wisconsin
“It’s hard to imagine Wisconsin without its immigrant heritage. Whether it’s food, festivals, religious congregations, or even the very names of our communities, there are hints of the old world everywhere you turn, and our communities are all the better for it.” Wisconsin State Senator Chris Larson
The incoming administration has promised “on day one” to begin deporting all the illegal immigrants in the country. This appeal to the ignorance and xenophobia of many Americans worked to win the election but implementing this politically motivated action will have significant negative consequences for the economy, the federal budget, and ...
Wisconsin Forests at Risk
“I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues. Dr. Seuss in the children's book “The Lorax”
Wisconsin Green Fire recently published a report that speaks for trees and all the other organisms in Wisconsin's forests. “Wisconsin Forests at Risk: Engaging Wisconsinites in Another Century of Forest Conservation” is a warning about the declining health of forests across the state. They say, “Wisconsin’s forests have long enriched our state’s economy and quality of life. Yet, just when we need healthy, diverse, and productive forests more than ever, our forests are facing serious threats.” ...
The Age of Plastics
“Welcome to the Plasticene. If you’re under age 70, it’s possible you’ve lived in the Plasticene for your entire life. It’s a new geologic age some scientists have proposed to mark the near-universal spread of plastic around Earth. Since the 1950s, researchers say, we’ve been living in the Age of Plastics.” Kristen Minogue, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Geologists have divided the 4.5 billion years of earth's history into a geologic time scale. These divisions, or “geochronologic units,” include eons, eras, periods, epochs and ages. We live in the Phanerozoic Eon (beginning 541 million years ago), the Cenozoic Era ...
The Myth of Recycling Plastic
“The idea that recycling can solve the problem of plastic waste has always been a fraud, and it's always been a way for the industry to sell more plastic,” Richard Wiles, president of the Center for Climate Integrity.
As I wrote about recently, the use of plastic has increased enormously, creating a huge worldwide problem with plastic trash (“The age of plastics,” December 19, 2024). Much of this plastic is for single use products like packaging and shopping bags. Recycling is suppose to mitigate these problems. But for many reasons, recycling plastic simply does not work. Recycling is not a realistic solution for plastic trash.
Just ...
Now What? Tactics for Resistance
Since the election of our first fascist dictator I have been getting many emails about organizing for the "resistance." Most are exhorting us to not give up hope (and to send money to their organization). I won't criticize those with the energy to attempt continuing the struggle. But I doubt any amount of resisting, protesting, marching, sending online petitions, getting arrested or suing the bastards is going to accomplish anything.
Given that the fascists now control both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court traditional forms of protest and political action will be futile. The incoming administration doesn't care about public opinion and will ...
We are Screwed
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” H.L. Menchen, American journalists in and social critic in the 1920s and 30s.
Just prior to the 2016 presidential election an acquaintance asked me what I thought would be the result. I answered that I was cautiously optimistic but, “Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people.” On November 5th the American people proved my pessimistic assessment correct in ...
Getting Over The Woman Thing
“Cause if it's the woman thing it's time to get over that...It time to be a man and vote for a woman.“ Sam Elliot, actor
“Most women know the story. She’s overqualified for the job. He isn't qualified at all, but it’s still a contest. Can you see any man having been district attorney, state attorney general, U.S. senator, and U.S. Vice President but being told HE isn’t qualified?” My sister, who has considerable experience with sexism in business.
“The Man's Prayer: I am a man, I can change, if I have to, I guess,” from the Red Green Show.
I want to talk to you men out there – especially you ...
Republicans against Trump
“...another four years of Donald Trump’s chaotic leadership, this time focused on advancing the dangerous goals of Project 2025, will hurt real, everyday people and weaken our sacred institutions.”
This quote is from a statement signed by 238 former Republican officials and campaign staff going back to the George H.W. Bush administration. They are urging Republicans to vote for VP Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz.
Fostering division is one of the primary results of Donald Trump's actions and bombastic demagoguery. His angry, hateful, racist and destructive fear mongering has divided the nation. But it has also divided Republican voters. ...