
Meet and Greet Potluck Picnic


  Friends for Peace, We will be walking around the 400 Block each Saturday morning at 10 am until about 11:30.  Many come to walk and many come to sit on the corners of the 400 Block with signs and flags to be present for people who want to stop to talk. Please join us as you are able! Bring a new sign if you have time.  We do have some to share if you need one! All of our hearts should be open, and in doing this we will be strengthened to take actions in support of a peaceful solution. In Solidarity, Carolyn, Claudette, Nancy and David

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Divine Land Grants

  Imagined painting by Frans Pourbus the Elder (c. 1565–80) depicting the Israelite’s God showing Moses the Promised Land. Photograph Source: Sailko – CC BY 3.0 When Moses the servant of Yahweh was dead, Yahweh spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses adjutant. He said, “Moses my servant is dead; rise—it is time—and cross the Jordan here, you and all this people with you, into the land which I am giving the sons of Israel. Every place you tread with the soles of your feet I shall give you as I declared to Moses that I would. From the wilderness and ...

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“Liberal” is Good for America

“The two parties which divide the state, the party of Conservatism and that of Innovation, are very old and have disputed the possession of the world since it was made...” Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) There has always been tension between “conservatives” and “liberals” in social and political affairs. This has been a constant theme of American history. This election year's rhetoric will again emphasize these ideological divides. But because of the fact-free nature of our political debates and advertising this will result in more name calling and fear ...

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Little did I know when I started volunteering here how much this would grow on me. There is great need in our comunity and often those with the greatest needs are shunned. The problem of unhoused is not going away by wishing it away or incarcerating it away. And shame on those who say "not in my backyard." All I can say is, you have touched me, I have grown. Community Outreach Task Force is A Non-profit Organization with a mission to provide the basic living needs (and more) to the homeless. We are staffed by volunteers, so 100% goes directly to servicing the most ...

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Saving Social Security

Recently Wausau took part in a launch of Seniors for Biden in Wisconsin. We had former Alabama Senator Doug Jones come to Wausau to do a tour on Social Security and Medicare. Throughout the week, former U.S. Senator Doug Jones launched the “Protect Our Retirement” tour to campaign for President Biden across Wisconsin, with stops in Wausau, Green Bay, and Milwaukee. Doug Jones is a former U.S. senator and current civil rights attorney. In 2017, he won a special election to fill a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama—the first Democrat to do so in 25 years in the ...

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Yet Another Anniversary Roe v Wade

  A reminder that on June 24 we are seeing yet another anniversary of the overturning of Roe v Wade (June 24, 2022). What does your area have planned? Is your community planning a rally? Below are some talking points for Letters to the Editor. Talk to your friends and neighbors, we need to have facts out there. **Wausau will have a rally on Saturday, June 22 from noon unti 1:30 PM at the entrance to Marathon Park, across from John Muir. Bring a sign and see you there. More details to come.   The Supreme Court ruling in FDA v. Alliance for ...

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Our Vote, Our Ballot Box

On Monday, May 13, at noon, several of us along with The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign met in front of City Hall. This type of event happened in five cities across the state: Madison, Milwaukee, Green Bay, Eau Claire and Wausau. In Wausau, we were joined by Katrina Shankland! May 13 the Wisconsin Supreme Court began hearing oral arguments in the Priorities USA v. WEC  case, which will decide the fate of ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin. In 2022, the Wisconsin Supreme Court outlawed ballot drop boxes in Teigen v. WEC under the guise of “ballot harvesting.” ...

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A Peace Diologue Event

A Peace Diologue Event Please Join Us for the Documentary Movie Gaza Followed by discussion led by Elaine Strite, John Viste and Rick Scott Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 6 pm First United Methodist Church 903 Third Street Wausau, WI This unforgettable documentary film, Gaza, by Andrew McConnell and Gary Keanu, takes us to a unique place beyond the reach of television news reports to reveal a world rich with eloquent and resilient characters, offering us a cinematic and enriching portrait of a people attempting to lead meaningful lives against the rubble of ...

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