

cooperation [ koh-op-uh-rey-shuhn ] an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit mutually beneficial interaction among organisms [nations] living in a limited area [planet Earth]   Boarding Spaceship Earth in 1895, Buckminster Fuller arrived with very poor vision. This wasn’t realized and corrected until he was in boyhood. As an adult Fuller saw this as a blessing because it had trained him to naturally envision the larger picture – the synergetic whole. This led to the publishing of Fuller’s book, Operating Manual ...

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It is rarely mentioned in US history or media that Russia – the Soviet Union – lost an estimated 27 million people to the Nazis in World War II. This is over 50 times more deaths than America suffered with the loss of 420,000. Few were the Russian families that did not grieve. It is also rarely mentioned in US history or media that Russia was far more instrumental in defeating the Nazis than America. Quoting Irish journalist Finnian Cunningham: “Still, let’s not forget that the Soviet Union had been battling the Third Reich for three years before the British ...

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Support for Israel is not good for America

Recently Iran attacked Israel with missiles and drones. President Biden pledged full U.S. support to defend Israel. But is it really in the national interests of the United States to unconditionally support and defend Israel? Israel and Iran have been engaged in low level conflict for decades. The latest incident began when Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Damascus on April 1, 2024. Iran responded on April 13th with a drone and missile attack on Israel. U.S. military forces in the region were ordered to defend Israel and helped shoot down most of the Iranian drones ...

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Military Spending is Destroying America

  “America’s leaders have embraced the very worst...preferring to be feared rather than loved, while putting power first and principle last...” William Astore, veteran, history professor and author. “Sticking to the current defense spending strategy is not only economically wasteful but will also make America and the world less safe.” William D. Hartung, political scientist who specializes in military and national security issues. We have a problem in our country with militarism. Militarism dominates our foreign policy, domestic policing, and ...

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Palestine Week Three of Four: Part Two: Peace Dialogue Friends

Each day a cease fire in Gaza is more imperative.  An enduring and sustained ceasefire is essential for all people. Our second Gaza pilgrimage this past Saturday brought 30 people joining in the walk. We were all heartened to hear car horns honking in solidarity for the cause. Please consider joining us this coming Saturday, March 30  at 10 am in Rib Mountain. We will park over near the corner of Hobby Lobby’s lot. Please park nearer to the road so as not to hamper anyone needing parking for shopping. Saturday, April 6, 10 AM, we will be at the intersec...

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It is well known the United States started the war in Vietnam based on lies the about Gulf of Tonkin. An estimated 3 million Vietnamese and 50 thousand of our own servicemen were murdered by American “leadership.” Vietnam still suffers high levels of birth defects resulting from the U.S. use of chemical weapons. Villagers – children – were burned alive with napalm. Yes but, Putin is evil and China’s Xi Jinping is a dictator. In the 1990’s the Clinton Administration imposed brutal sanctions on Iraq in an attempt to force Iraqi leadership to conform to U.S. ...

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Peace Walk Photo Story


Beyond human awareness or control, history is the synergetic outcome of thousands upon thousands of seemingly unrelated decisions and developments coming together to form the evolution of societies and nations. It is nature and planet charting the course. We live through an extraordinary moment in that endless history – precarious beyond all past, yet filled with unprecedented hope. Empires have come and gone through the ages. They tend to evolve westwardly around the globe and each has a shorter lifespan than the empire that preceded it. All were to be the power to ...

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“But there is a far deeper problem with the framing of these concerns. The critical problem is not “global inaction” over mass atrocities. It is the opposite: intense western – chiefly US – support for, and complicity in, such atrocities.” “The US is not helpless in the unfolding genocide. It is actively facilitating it. In fact, Israel’s genocide and ethnic cleansing would be impossible without not just US collusion but active participation.” “It’s intense US and UK support for atrocities so long as they bolster their global power.” Jona...

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When the attacks on the World Trade Center towers in New York City occurred on 9/11/2001, no one asked – Why? Surely not the Bush Administration and surely not US establishment print and broadcast media. Of course, President George W. Bush did give us an answer: We’re good – they’re bad. We’re moral – they’re evil. We’re a peace loving, freedom loving people – they hate peace and freedom. Evil people attack good people just for fun. That’s what an evil axis does. Simple. No further inquiry required. The only solution? War. It was well known that ...

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