Moral Monday
Genocide in Duluth
Authors note: As I was finishing this article the news of a tentative ceasefire in Gaza was announced. This is good news, but there is no indication this agreement will result in peace in the region. The root causes of the conflict are not being addressed. The blockade of Gaza is not being lifted. Hamas remains in place. Israel's attitudes toward Palestinians remain unchanged. The U.S. support for Israel remains unconditional and likely to get worse with the new administration. Therefore, the message of this article remains relevant.
“If the U.S. and Israel can spin ...
Support for Our Homeless
In a recent letter to a local paper, a writer objected to a recent proposal that will give our police department $400,000 in American Rescue Plan funding. This funding proposal, unanimously approved by the Wausau City Council, earmarks money, available until December 31, 2026, to expand services to our area’s homeless population. The police department currently employs just one full time experienced individual to do outreach to this population. There is no mandate as the writer suggests that ensuing ‘costs are sacred and will continue forever’ as a burden on city ...
Kohler’s Golfing on Graves Project
Respect for the dead is a universal value — or so we thought. Across Wisconsin, small family cemeteries are protected with care. Yet for Native burial grounds, the Kohler Company and Sheboygan city leaders are ready to bulldoze that principle – literally.
Kohler plans to build a luxury golf course in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, on land eligible for the National Register of Historic Places and home to Native burial mounds. A federally mandated 2018 study discovered human remains in seven locations on the course plan. Since the courts revoked their wetland ...
Community Outreach Task Force
Outreach Fundraiser
Hello all, We need your help. Please donate. (Links below) We’re gearing up for the winter season. Over the last 5 years we have been making a positive difference for those in need in the community, helping them to survive in the harsh winter elements. We are the only 100% volunteer-based outreach group in the community. Even though we receive a good amount of physical donations, sometimes it isn’t enough, and we need to rely on raised funds to purchase supplies. In the last 2 years we’ve gone from serving 30 people to over 60 on ...
Little did I know when I started volunteering here how much this would grow on me. There is great need in our comunity and often those with the greatest needs are shunned. The problem of unhoused is not going away by wishing it away or incarcerating it away. And shame on those who say "not in my backyard." All I can say is, you have touched me, I have grown.
Community Outreach Task Force is A Non-profit Organization with a mission to provide the basic living needs (and more) to the homeless. We are staffed by volunteers, so 100% goes directly to servicing the most ...
Poverty Violence
Poverty extends to more than homelessness, as almost half our population here in the Wausau lives with it. That’s right, almost 40% of the Wausau area is one disaster away from poverty. It affects almost 80% of single women with a child under the age of 5. Add another layer to that, we are combatting a system that doesn’t acknowledge that there are people with mental and physical health conditions. Poverty is the 4th leading cause of death in this country. We live in a system of greed and power. This is plain and simple….poverty violence.
Addressing “homelessn...
Moral Monday – – – The Immorality of “Rocketship Education”
The educational immorality called “Rocketship Education” being imposed on the children of Milwaukee is the product of years of deliberate, calculated transfer of wealth out of inner-cities all across America. It is a well-researched fact that poverty is the single most important factor in any failure of our public schools. As stated in a report from the Economic Policy Institute:
“Decades of studies have affirmed that the single most important factor affecting educational achievement are inequalities of wealth and poverty. Since the inception of testing under No ...
Moral Monday: Enough is Enough
“Enough is enough. She’s innocent. She didn’t bother nobody” as yet another innocent girl’s life hangs in the balance after being shot in the crossfire of gunmen while on the playground at Clarke Street Elementary School in Milwaukee on May 21st.
The father, Onjaun Guyton, says, “Enough is enough” and holds the sobbing mother of 10 year old, Sierra Guyton.
“Think about that: A 10-year old shot on her school playground. What kind of world allows that to happen?”
Another father, Richard Martinezs, pleads on national television to please ...
Moral Monday: The Birthday Party
Family members decided to do something different for the child’s birthday this year. Instead of having a party for a few children, they decided to have a birthday party for all 26 children in the first grade classroom. The family purchased: a meat and cheese platter, a fruit platter, a veggie platter, wholesome buns and crackers. Each of the children in the classroom and the teacher received a gift. The mom and child read Happy Birthday to You by Dr. Seuss to the class.
The children in the classroom come from diverse backgrounds. This school district ...
Moral Monday: Discovering the Penokees
EDITORS' NOTE: "Moral Mondays" is a movement founded by Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II to identify interconnected social and moral issues, and the people, movements, and organizations working to address these problems. "Moral Monday" is a weekly feature in Middle Wisconsin.
Moral Monday in the Penokees
By Joyce Luedke
An Open Letter to Senator Jerry Petrowski
After reading the book Discovering the Penokees by Joel Austin, Joyce sent a copy of the book and this letter to Senator Jerry Petrowski.
Dear Senator Petrowski:
Please share this book, Discovering the ...