Climate Change & Environment

Frog Song, Earth Song and the Rights of Nature

Late in the afternoon, about three months ago my wife and I were given the opportunity to time travel right here in Central Wisconsin, and we took it. Time machines are stashed here and there in these parts, though to most they would look like a pond, or a small wetland, or even the little pockets of water that dot the woods each spring.  I had just put away my ax after splitting some of next winter's firewood when we set off down the road. We had barely gone a hundred yards when we unexpectedly stepped through a kind of science fiction portal into a soundscape around two ...

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Tim Wallis, is traveling across the country this spring to educate more people through his newest book: Warheads to Windmills: Preventing Climate Catastrophe and Nuclear War. As the book title says: our two biggest existential threats--climate breakdown and nuclear weapons--can and must be addressed, both urgently and simultaneously. Here is a link to more information on Tim and the new book: (you can paste that link in your browser). Tim's presentation is of interest to several constituencies: Peace and Environmental groups ...

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Earth Day 2024

Earth Day

The Small City of Superior Stands Up to Utility Corporations and Says No to a Large Gas Plant Near the Nemadji River and Lake Superior

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: April 4, 2024 Contacts: Laura Lane,, (608) 215-0112 Megan Wittman, The Small City of Superior Stands Up to Utility Corporations and Says No to a Large Gas Plant Near the Nemadji River and Lake Superior The City Council's rejection of the proposed gas plant protects community health, Indigenous rights, and climate.  Superior, WI – After months of robust public input from city residents, Tribal leaders, health professionals, and utility representatives, the ...

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Earth Day Celebration 2024

The unwavering flame of Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson's environmental spirit burns brightly around the world each Earth Day.  Alarmed by more and more shores fouled by oil spills, city air darkened by smog, rivers so polluted they caught fire and burned, and farmland tainted by pesticides, Nelson envisioned a world with clean air to breath, clean water to drink and healthy, clean soil to grow our food in.  The result was the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, and it unified both Democrats and Republicans, city folk and country folk, rich and poor, business and industry ...

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Women for Women May Program

Women for Women Thursday, May 2, 2024, 6 PM   Our May program will Feature Maxwell Johnson from the Wisconsin Conservation Voters.   As the Central Organizer based in Stevens Point, Maxwell empowers community members, volunteers, activists, and partner organizations to advocate for climate solutions, protect drinking water, and expand the freedom to vote at all levels of government – now and for the future. Maxwell grew up in Rural, Wisconsin (that’s the name of my town) and spent my summers hiking the Ice Age Trail near my house or kayaking the ...

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Earth Day 2024

Genuflecting In The Forest

Bearing witness to the carnage we of the Homo Sapiens lineage inflict on one another sours even the most optimistic of souls.  What thoughtful person among us is not dragged inexorably down the dark whirlpool when confronted by yet another mother ravaged by the violent destruction of her dearly beloved, big eyed child?  We use the language of hatred, spraying out machine gun words like terrorist, demon, migrant rapist, left wing thugs and countless others to make righteous our own terrorism and salve our night time pangs of guilt with their soothing unguent.  Sad ...

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2023 Year in Review

Another Year of Historic Citizen-Driven Action and Research. Riverside Park Finally Remediated 17 Years After First Dioxin Soil Samples in 2006. 2023 was a special year. It not only marked the 5-year anniversary of Citizens for a Clean Wausau’s founding in 2018, but also encompassed major community progress on multiple critical local environmental fronts. A list of CCW’s 2023 news and research posts can be found on this page below our highlight commentary. Citizens for a Clean Wausau dedicates its work this year to Teresa Mills of CHEJ, in order to honor our ...

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