3 results for author: Tom Kilian


FREE NOVEMBER 23 EVENTS WILL BRING PROMINENT SPEAKERS TO WAUSAU Events at Jefferson Street Inn will cover requesting public records from the government and contamination on Wausau’s southwest side   Have you ever wondered what your rights are in Wisconsin when it comes to getting public records from the government or how to actually request the records? Or would you like to get important information about serious contamination on Wausau’s southwest side – like dioxin contamination – some of which the government has never provided? If so, Citizens for a Clean Wausau (CCW) – a local environmental watchdog group compri...

2023 Year in Review

Another Year of Historic Citizen-Driven Action and Research. Riverside Park Finally Remediated 17 Years After First Dioxin Soil Samples in 2006. 2023 was a special year. It not only marked the 5-year anniversary of Citizens for a Clean Wausau’s founding in 2018, but also encompassed major community progress on multiple critical local environmental fronts. A list of CCW’s 2023 news and research posts can be found on this page below our highlight commentary. Citizens for a Clean Wausau dedicates its work this year to Teresa Mills of CHEJ, in order to honor our very close friend and ally. Without the inspiration and tutelage of Teresa, ...

Big Turnout at Wausau’s First-Ever Environmental Health Summit

  Individuals, environmental groups, and elected officials packed the room at the Midwest Environmental Summit in Wausau’s Jefferson Street Inn on Saturday. Attendees from Wausau to Madison to Door County came to listen to state and nationally renowned speakers and groups. Because Citizens for a Clean Wausau, the host of the event, received a grant to put together the regional summit, the public paid absolutely nothing to attend the day-long event and came out in droves. Some featured speakers at the event had actually made national and international headlines on pollution matters, and for likely the first time in Wausau history, a ...