
Project 2025 is a Threat to our Freedoms, our Families & our Futures

Project 2025 is a blueprint for a far-right white Christian Nationalist agenda in a second Trump term. A coalition of over a hundred right-wing organizations, led by think tank The Heritage Foundation, researched, developed, and released a 920-page document that sets out the MAGA agenda for every aspect of Americans’ lives.   From sabotaging our elections to eliminating the resources we need for education, and from cutting Social Security and Medicare to dictating the religion we can practice. Project 2025 includes banning contraception and taking away our ...

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Democracy vs. Autocracy

Democracy vs. Autocracy What do these terms really mean? Defined by Webster’s dictionary, democracy is “a government by the people, usually through elected representation,” compared to autocracy, “government by a single, absolute ruler.” Citizens choose candidates to appear on ballots through caucuses and primaries in democracies; and are elected through free, fair, secure, and non-fraudulent elections, followed by a peaceful transfer of power. In an autocracy, those in power choose candidates, often with pre-determined outcomes, and may refuse to ...

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Save Social Security

What have you heard about Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025?

What have you heard about Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025? Some wonderful talking points from our friends at FAIR MAPS. It was written by a consortium of the most extreme MAGA organizations and advisors - election deniers and Jan 6 supporters. It is not the Heritage Foundation or the GOP you once believed in.   The people who supported project 2025 are the same people who supported the January 6th insurrection.   The Heritage Foundation spent $22 million to prepare this authoritarian plan and although the personnel hiring process has ...

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Saving Social Security

Recently Wausau took part in a launch of Seniors for Biden in Wisconsin. We had former Alabama Senator Doug Jones come to Wausau to do a tour on Social Security and Medicare. Throughout the week, former U.S. Senator Doug Jones launched the “Protect Our Retirement” tour to campaign for President Biden across Wisconsin, with stops in Wausau, Green Bay, and Milwaukee. Doug Jones is a former U.S. senator and current civil rights attorney. In 2017, he won a special election to fill a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama—the first Democrat to do so in 25 years in the ...

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Demonstrations Across Wisconsin 

  Demonstrations Across Wisconsin Please join the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans, American Federation of Government Employees Council 220, and other partner organizations as we call for Social Security to be protected, modernized and expanded! Attend a demonstration near you! All events start at noon and will last approximately one hour Rhinelander: Tuesday, May 15 meeting at 2023 Navajo Street Thank you to our friends at WJFW for the great reporting. This link will help you to understand what Social Security is up ...

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Save Social Security

Save Social Security Social Security is being attacked. The Republicans are determined to turn Social Security into a cash cow for Wall Street and to destroy this extremely valuable and successful public insurance program. Social Security is on the ballot this November. Republicans are spreading lies, fear, doubts and misinformation about the Social Security. If they win Social Security could be drastically changed or eliminated. Your future is at stake.  Social Security works for all Americans providing vital old age retirement income, disability insurance and ...

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Social Security is on the Ballot

Social Security works for all Americans. Social Security is essential to most people's present and future financial security. It is much more than retirement income for old folks. Social Security is very efficient with overhead costs which are way below those of private insurance companies. It is also very popular and the most successful public program in our history. So why are Republican politicians constantly trying to mess around with Social Security? Even more inexplicable, why do so many people, who benefit from Social Security, continue to vote for Republica...

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“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson   Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution reads:   “The Congress shall have Power . . . To coin Money and regulate the Value thereof”   This is the money creation power ...

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Social Security a “Ponzi Scheme?”

New video brought to you by the P.O.W.R.S. (Protect our Wisconsin State Retirement) Group and No Dem Left Behind.

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