
Social Security is on the Ballot

Social Security works for all Americans. Social Security is essential to most people's present and future financial security. It is much more than retirement income for old folks. Social Security is very efficient with overhead costs which are way below those of private insurance companies. It is also very popular and the most successful public program in our history. So why are Republican politicians constantly trying to mess around with Social Security? Even more inexplicable, why do so many people, who benefit from Social Security, continue to vote for Republica...

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“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson   Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution reads:   “The Congress shall have Power . . . To coin Money and regulate the Value thereof”   This is the money creation power ...

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Social Security a “Ponzi Scheme?”

New video brought to you by the P.O.W.R.S. (Protect our Wisconsin State Retirement) Group and No Dem Left Behind.

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  JOIN FBRF and SIERRA CLUB IN MADISON updates NOVEMBER 16, 1 P.M. CAPITOL MEET UP TO PRESENT OUR PETITION TO GOVERNOR EVERS RALLY 3 P.M. LAZY OAF LOUNGE Speakers, petition signing, fun, food, live entertainment. "NO TRANSFER OF KOHLER ANDRAE STATE PARK LAND TO THE KOHLER COMPANY FOR ITS OWN PROFIT!" sign the petition here Come any time to learn about this heist of State Park Land Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more info. Questions? email us at Press Conference approx. 1 p.m.   Devils Lake State Park acreage ...

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It’s 1933

Why would I be surprised by some of what goes on in our county government? I am referring to Supervisor David Baker's proposal to not only pull funding from the Marathon County Public Library but to assemble a “Library Standards Alignment.” Supervisor Baker's ideas go as far as a possibility of abolishing the county library system altogether. Supervisor Tony Sherfinski also buys into this ideology by saying that adding pressure by pulling on purse strings is a good idea. I will be the first to say these people terrify me. This is government over-reach at its finest. ...

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Learning From Finland on Public Education

“Finland is leading the way because of common-sense practices and a holistic teaching environment that strives for equity over excellence.” World Economic Forum, “10 reasons why Finland's education system is the best in the world,” September 10, 2018. “We prepare children to learn how to learn, not how to take a test,” Finland’s head of the Ministry of Education and Culture (a former teacher). Finland does not do standardized student achievement testing like in the United States. Finland is a world leader in education. For many years Finland has been ...

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What You Need to Know About Medicare Advantage Plans

Jim Newton, AFT-W 4848 Retiree and POWRS Summary of a Jim’s Presentation of May 18, 2023 Wisconsin Grassroots Festival - Mazomanie, Wisconsin When you truly want to learn how well a program is working, you do not go to politicians, investors, or administrators. You go to the workers on the front lines who provide the services of the program. For healthcare it means going to the medical professionals. Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) has been around since the 1980s and has over 25,000 members. You are urged to go to their websites, and ...

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We are once again watching the complete ignorance – and yes, it is ignorance – of our legislators arguing over the national “debt Ceiling.” Forgive the harsh words, but this misguided foolishness hurts people. It hurts the nation.  Every time we witness this self-destructive nonsense, one cannot help but wonder - - - Why don’t Americans ask some obvious questions? How can there even be a national debt? The Federal Government is the Constitutionally authorized creator and supplier of the nation’s money. Who are we borrowing our own money from, and why are we ...

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The Social in Political/Economic Society

One of the dominate themes in American society is that of rugged individualism. Individualism is a key to American society, but it exists within social perimeters. We exist in a social environment in thought, property ownership, economy, and innovation. We are not isolated individuals carving out our lives on our own intelligence, talent, and initiative. Instead, we exist, and operate in, a functioning society. A functioning society means a legal framework, social investments, and a knowledge base that allows people and businesses to operate within consistent, and predic...

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Hands Off Our Earned Benefits

  Social Security is an incredibly effective and popular program. It provides benefits to over 1.2 million Wisconsinites and keeps over 400,000 out of poverty. There is no reason Social Security should be a partisan issue. It benefits Republicans, Democrats, and independents. But Senator Ron Johnson wants to put these vital earned benefits at risk by turning Social Security and Medicare into “discretionary spending.” That would turn these programs from guaranteed earned benefits into ordinary government spending that Congress has to vote to fund every ...

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