
Project 2025 is a Threat to our Freedoms, our Families & our Futures

Project 2025 is a blueprint for a far-right white Christian Nationalist agenda in a second Trump term. A coalition of over a hundred right-wing organizations, led by think tank The Heritage Foundation, researched, developed, and released a 920-page document that sets out the MAGA agenda for every aspect of Americans’ lives.   From sabotaging our elections to eliminating the resources we need for education, and from cutting Social Security and Medicare to dictating the religion we can practice. Project 2025 includes banning contraception and taking away our ...

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cooperation [ koh-op-uh-rey-shuhn ] an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit mutually beneficial interaction among organisms [nations] living in a limited area [planet Earth]   Boarding Spaceship Earth in 1895, Buckminster Fuller arrived with very poor vision. This wasn’t realized and corrected until he was in boyhood. As an adult Fuller saw this as a blessing because it had trained him to naturally envision the larger picture – the synergetic whole. This led to the publishing of Fuller’s book, Operating Manual ...

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“PSYOP: Psychological operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of United States psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior perceived to be favorable to U.S. objectives.” Thus, the American people are continuously subject to a number of psychological operations otherwise known as “the news.” - - Consortium News   Michael Gorbachev became leader ...

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Agenda47: a Platform for Disaster

“It’s We The People who’re being tested in this election – will we pursue the democratic values and progressive policies the great majority of us want for our children? Or will we fall into the egomaniacal autocracy and corporate kleptocracy that Trump is openly promising?” Jim Hightower, political commentator Agenda47 is the policy platform for Trump's second administration. It is a case study in ridiculous bombast masquerading as a policy document. It is devoid of any serious, thoughtful policy proposals. Agenda47 is full of ridiculous, inaccurate statemen...

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Democracy vs. Autocracy

Democracy vs. Autocracy What do these terms really mean? Defined by Webster’s dictionary, democracy is “a government by the people, usually through elected representation,” compared to autocracy, “government by a single, absolute ruler.” Citizens choose candidates to appear on ballots through caucuses and primaries in democracies; and are elected through free, fair, secure, and non-fraudulent elections, followed by a peaceful transfer of power. In an autocracy, those in power choose candidates, often with pre-determined outcomes, and may refuse to ...

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“Liberal” is Good for America

“The two parties which divide the state, the party of Conservatism and that of Innovation, are very old and have disputed the possession of the world since it was made...” Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) There has always been tension between “conservatives” and “liberals” in social and political affairs. This has been a constant theme of American history. This election year's rhetoric will again emphasize these ideological divides. But because of the fact-free nature of our political debates and advertising this will result in more name calling and fear ...

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It is rarely mentioned in US history or media that Russia – the Soviet Union – lost an estimated 27 million people to the Nazis in World War II. This is over 50 times more deaths than America suffered with the loss of 420,000. Few were the Russian families that did not grieve. It is also rarely mentioned in US history or media that Russia was far more instrumental in defeating the Nazis than America. Quoting Irish journalist Finnian Cunningham: “Still, let’s not forget that the Soviet Union had been battling the Third Reich for three years before the British ...

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“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” “The people will believe what the media tells them they believe.” - - George Orwell   In 1961 the United States installed nuclear armed Jupiter missiles in Turkey near the Soviet Union’s border that were minutes from incinerating Moscow, St Petersburg, and other major Russian cities. The people of America were never told about this, but Russia certainly knew. Returning the favor, in 1962 Russia installed nuclear armed missiles in Cuba that ...

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Project 2025 is on the Ballot

The first Trump administration was chaotic, disorganized and included many inexperienced and incompetent appointees. Trump's own incompetence and erratic behavior prevented his administration from developing a coherent political agenda. He still managed to do a great deal of harm with exploding the deficit, federal judge appointments and further militarizing the southern border. But Trump's random tweets were not a governing agenda. This time the billionaires behind the Republican party are not relying on Trump's non-existent leadership abilities to advance their ...

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