No Time for Games—Vote ‘No’ on State Constitutional Amendments

Did you know a big election is coming up this year? In November, of course! But there’s an election on August 13 that’s also important to your community and your future. There are two questions on the August ballot which, if passed, will change the state constitution for the worse. I’m voting no on both questions, and I urge other voters throughout Wisconsin to do the same. A yes vote on these constitutional amendment questions would give the legislature sole authority over the distribution of federal money. A yes vote would also take the governor out of the ...

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Save Social Security

A Lifeline in the Wake of Tragedy

If you think Social Security is just for when you get old.... Here's an ad to watch and share:

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Divine Land Grants

  Imagined painting by Frans Pourbus the Elder (c. 1565–80) depicting the Israelite’s God showing Moses the Promised Land. Photograph Source: Sailko – CC BY 3.0 When Moses the servant of Yahweh was dead, Yahweh spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses adjutant. He said, “Moses my servant is dead; rise—it is time—and cross the Jordan here, you and all this people with you, into the land which I am giving the sons of Israel. Every place you tread with the soles of your feet I shall give you as I declared to Moses that I would. From the wilderness and ...

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Do We Want a Government of Laws or Men?

We just celebrated Memorial Day honoring the sacrifice of so many Americans fighting Fascism in WWII. Fascism is a highly personalized authoritarian system. Why should people obey an authoritarian? Their power relies on expressions of loyalty. One approached medieval kings with bows and paeans of praise. They were raised on thrones so that they were literally higher then the supplicants approaching them. Any violation of these protocols suggested that an individual harbored disloyal ideas and had to be dealt with in a severe way. Law is what the authoritarian says it is. ...

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“Liberal” is Good for America

“The two parties which divide the state, the party of Conservatism and that of Innovation, are very old and have disputed the possession of the world since it was made...” Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) There has always been tension between “conservatives” and “liberals” in social and political affairs. This has been a constant theme of American history. This election year's rhetoric will again emphasize these ideological divides. But because of the fact-free nature of our political debates and advertising this will result in more name calling and fear ...

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Frog Song, Earth Song and the Rights of Nature

Late in the afternoon, about three months ago my wife and I were given the opportunity to time travel right here in Central Wisconsin, and we took it. Time machines are stashed here and there in these parts, though to most they would look like a pond, or a small wetland, or even the little pockets of water that dot the woods each spring.  I had just put away my ax after splitting some of next winter's firewood when we set off down the road. We had barely gone a hundred yards when we unexpectedly stepped through a kind of science fiction portal into a soundscape around two ...

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Little did I know when I started volunteering here how much this would grow on me. There is great need in our comunity and often those with the greatest needs are shunned. The problem of unhoused is not going away by wishing it away or incarcerating it away. And shame on those who say "not in my backyard." All I can say is, you have touched me, I have grown. Community Outreach Task Force is A Non-profit Organization with a mission to provide the basic living needs (and more) to the homeless. We are staffed by volunteers, so 100% goes directly to servicing the most ...

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What have you heard about Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025?

What have you heard about Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025? Some wonderful talking points from our friends at FAIR MAPS. It was written by a consortium of the most extreme MAGA organizations and advisors - election deniers and Jan 6 supporters. It is not the Heritage Foundation or the GOP you once believed in.   The people who supported project 2025 are the same people who supported the January 6th insurrection.   The Heritage Foundation spent $22 million to prepare this authoritarian plan and although the personnel hiring process has ...

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