17 results for tag: government

Sanctions kill

Instead of killing people with weapons of war, we now plan to kill them with economic sanctions.

Ron Johnson is crazy like a fox

What has become of the happy-go-lucky, country club Republicans of yore, who just wanted to make more money, pay less in taxes, and sip their martinis on the golf course without worrying their pretty heads about unpleasant matters like racism, inequality and climate change?

Want a shovel ready project? Clear the sidewalks!

I am trying to understand why the city of Wausau has forced us to navigate poorly cleared sidewalks along Grand Avenue.

Let’s resolve to have fair maps

In Wisconsin, our legislative maps are in the 10-year process of being redrawn.

I want to get involved, but…

It was sometime in 1988 when I became involved in my first organization outside of school.

A letter to national legislators

Dear National Legislators, we know you fight for us, but we’re confused.

The need for Goldilocks interest rates

Humans have engaged in economic activity for many thousands of years. Even hunting and gathering groups engaged in barter and trade.

What does it take to be an ambassador?

The term “ambassador” goes back to the 14th century, but the idea of sending emissaries to other countries to help in assuring international cooperation goes as far back as we have had nations.

If government is to work for the people, the people must work for it

I know people who do not know how to change a tire, or even how to check the oil. This so aggravates me. Let's take a complex system, ignore the complexity and treat it like a black box. This is absolutely a recipe for disaster. I see this problem with cars, technology and with our government.

Climate and children

Climate change threatens water, food, security, health, and children. Fortunately, there are effective solutions.