15 results for tag: Voting

At what price power?

On January 21, 2022 concerned citizens from the Wausau area bravely weathered frigid temperatures to stand outside and raise their voices with “End Gerrymandering Now signs.”

Senators need to pass the Freedom to Vote Act

The For the People Act was the very first bill the Democratic-led Congress submitted after Joe Biden became President.


Gerrymandering: the practice of dividing or arranging a territorial unit into election districts in a way that gives one political party an unfair advantage in elections

Reflecting on the importance of voting rights on this MLK Day

This week has been a good week for me as Editor. Middle Wisconsin received several good stories; so many, in fact, that some are being held until next month

League of Women Voters lawsuit seeks to reactivate over 31,000 purged voters

The Wisconsin Election Commission’s actions in purging the voters are in violation of the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of due process, the League argues in it’s complaint to the U.S. District Court of the Western District of Wisconsin.

Doing redistricting right

We know that gerrymandering is undemocratic and antithetical to good governance. We know leaving redistricting to the politicians of either party is a mistake.

Wisconsin legislators fail to represent constituents yet again

There are three things that voters throughout Wisconsin, whether they live in a red district or a blue district, agree on: increasing the minimum wage, expanding access to Medicaid, and non-partisan redistricting.

Moving forward on voting

Since Biden won the presidential election, Republicans have been waging a coordinated, unpatriotic war on democracy and voting rights. In Wisconsin, Sen. Ron Johnson and Rep. Tim Tiffany continue to repeat the blatant lies about “election fraud” and Biden stealing the election. GOP legislators in Wisconsin, and across the nation, are pushing bills to make voting more difficult.


IS DEMOCRACY ON THE ROPES? By Pat Slutske (Reprinted with permission from Grassroots North Shore) Lately we've been calling your attention to specific challenges progressives are facing right now — issues like the attempts to gut our open records law, or attacks on the Legislative Audit Bureau and the Government Accountability Board. The attack on the venerable civil service, created more than 100 years ago to stymie corruption and cronyism in government, is simply the latest of these outrages. These are matters calling for intense and immediate action. But to understand fully why these sorts of things keep cropping up, it helps to put them ...

Vote Anyway You can Get There

DOWNLOAD POSTER Image Captured by: Rita Pachal "The Vote Anyway You can Get There poster is for you to download and use on your bulletin board or in your window or on your mobile phone."