Gerrymanderingger·ry·man·der·ing | \ ˈjer-ē-ˌman-d(ə-)riŋ: the practice of dividing or arranging a territorial unit into election districts in a way that gives one political party an unfair advantage in elections. — Merriam-Webster Dictionary
If you believe it is acceptable to cheat to win, you gerrymander.
If you believe it is acceptable to teach the youth of our state that cheating to win is okay, you gerrymander.
If you are against any sense of fair play, you gerrymander.
If you are incapable of winning an election legitimately, you gerrymander.
If you have nothing worthwhile to offer the people of your state, but simply wish to keep your privileged, publicly funded government job as a legislator, you gerrymander.
If you think competing fairly is for suckers and fools, you gerrymander.
If you have been brainwashed by billionaire funded cults like the “American Legislative Exchange Council” and “Americans for Prosperity,” you gerrymander.
If you are a pawn of the ultra-rich who fund your campaign and your goal is to serve them, rather than the people of your state, you gerrymander.
If you are against freedom and the right of your voters to have free, fair, and honest elections, you gerrymander.
If you lack decency and integrity, and wish to grind into dirt all of the most cherished traditions and values held by the people of your state and nation, you gerrymander.
If you have contempt for the high road, the dignity, and the hope that America has always meant to the world, you gerrymander.