118 results for author: Nancy Tabaka-Stencil


Last week I traveled to Washington D.C. with my fellow union retirees in AFSCME. We had a wonderful week of camaraderie and learning to craft our own message to take to our representatives regarding the Social Security Fairness Act (S. 597 / H.R. 82). H.R. 82 would repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) that deprive more than 2.5 million public employees of Social Security benefits they have earned. How the Government Pension Offset (GPO) Works – Social Security pays benefits to the spouse of retired and disabled workers and to widow(er)s of deceased workers. The GPO offset requires a reduction ...

The Threat to Small Press

Please join us for another exciting month at Women for Women Wisconsin. We will give you a little teaser here to start out. The Threat to Small Press We are so happy to feature Shereen Siewert and Nick Ramos on the threat that is facing small press along with the issue of freedom of the press in general. Our overall program purpose is to provide information on the challenges facing the news landscape.  With 1 in 5 newspapers closed in the last decade giving rise to on-line news initiatives and small independent news sources, we know there are new opportunities as well as challenges to keep local news alive and in front of the public. What ...

Rights of Nature

Since we kicked off the Rights of Nature Wisconsin effort in late 2022, we have made some significant progress.  When you join the call (link below), you can see our video, the website and other materials, hear about local resolutions and more.  More importantly, you will learn what comes next and how we can all be part of building this movement and restoring our proper relationship with the natural world. What exactly is Rights of Nature? We envision a world where the inherent rights of nature are respected and protected, and where the natural world is recognized as a living, breathing entity with its own intrinsic value and worth. We ...

Copperwood Mine ~ The Porcupines

For those of you who have been following our "Save the Porkies," You are going to want to watch this video. If you have been up this way, you can see it for yourself on the North Country trail. Please visit www.ProtectThePorkies.com For the record, this mine has NOT been fully permitted. MI EGLE permitted them to do all of this as part of their "wetlands permit," even though the tailings facility and tailings dam have not yet been permitted. https://youtu.be/a_x-BAAbTUI?si=QKCcpBXzXKOtxUez

Happy Labor Day

Every Labor Day, I take time to give thanks and celebrate America’s labor movement. Over the years, the hard work and solidarity of countless union men and women have advanced workplaces and enhanced our nation for the better. Nothing ever comes easy, and nothing is given out of the kindness of corporations: the big bosses only care about profits and the bottom line. Workers joining together in unions and working together bringing forth their demands is what has won advances that benefit everyone in this country. These include decent wages, pensions and fair retirement, holidays and weekends off, and overtime pay. Unions lift everyone up. This ...


No one should be dictating what you can and cannot read. It appears this is becoming a trend in our nation. We need you to help stop it in its tracks. We do not need a rating system either. If you are old enough to go to the library yourself, you’re old enough to pick out books. In the world we live in, the library is the one safe place where children can get solid factual materials. Take a moment to watch the video at the bottom of this article by Donna Jo Napoli, “What Children (and Everyone else) Need to Read.”  Please come to the Wausau library on Monday, August 21, around 11:30 and sign up to make a quick comment letting our librarians ...


    This year WISDOM brought together a core group of us, who together have worked on what is known as the Rights of Nature. Please click on the photos to enlarge. You can also check us out at: www.rightsofnaturewi.org. You can also find us on FaceBook.    

The Rights of Nature

We are happy to share a project that has been in the works most of this year by our Rights of Nature group. At the bottom, you may click to see page two as well. http://  

A Star in the Night Sky

James Albert Lewis, 94, of Merrill passed away on June 5. He was surrounded by loved ones at home near Merrill. Among those loved ones were Joel and Melissa Lewis. Jim was born on Feb. 28th, 1929. This was the year you recall the stock market crashed. There was the great depression, the St. Valentine’s massacre, and Al Capone. There was World War Two, Korea, and Vietnam. Later countess other wars. He lived in a time when television was first invented. He saw man landing on the moon. Imagine all this man has seen and done! James graduated from the University of Minnesota with his master’s degree in Speech Therapy. He spent two years in the ...

Citizen Sleuthing

            Yes, Greenlight Metals, we are watching you. We are watching VERY closely. We saw on May 4 where the DNR has given you “conditional” approval for Greenlight metals to undertake drilling at the Bend Deposit in Taylor County. The Bend Deposit is located about 20 miles northwest of the city of Medford. The area itself is quite remote with the drilling area on a very small piece of upland, less than a quarter mile from the north branch of the Yellow River. Ground water is being monitored at several spots by the University of Wisconsin and is found to be between 15-35 feet. Yes, another water rich area that is enjoyed by canoes ...