The Threat to Small Press

Please join us for another exciting month at Women for Women Wisconsin. We will give you a little teaser here to start out.

The Threat to Small Press

We are so happy to feature Shereen Siewert and Nick Ramos on the threat that is facing small press along with the issue of freedom of the press in general.

Our overall program purpose is to provide information on the challenges facing the news landscape.  With 1 in 5 newspapers closed in the last decade giving rise to on-line news initiatives and small independent news sources, we know there are new opportunities as well as challenges to keep local news alive and in front of the public.

What is lost with the demise of local newspapers?  What is gained by the transition to mostly digital, on-line, television and small paper news sources.  Will local news be able to survive?

There is also the push for Wisconsin to have an anti-SLAPP law. Anti-SLAPP is a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. Wisconsin is one of just 19 states that currently does not have an anti-SLAPP law on the books. A bipartisan bill is possible on this issue. We must protect our local journalists, activists, and Wisconsinites from frivolous lawsuits.

Time: Thursday, October 5th at 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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