The Legacy of Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson
As you may or may not know, a committee has been working on a way to adequately preserve the legacy of our Chief Justice.
After 2 years, the work has been completed.
The Reading Room of the Wis Historical Society has been dedicated to her with a portrait of her on display.
A website honoring her life has been developed,
A traveling exhibit is now on display in Wausau after a month in Madison. In September it moves to UWM and City Hall in Milwaukee and then onto other cities throughout Wisconsin.
A prize in her name has been established to honor 4 graduating law students who will dedicate their careers to working for equal protection of the laws and social justice.
On July 20, 2022 at 530 a celebration of her legacy will take place at the garden of the Marathon County Historical Society at 530.
Justice Bradley will speak.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
The Historic Yawkey House Garden
403 McIndoe St, Wausau, WI
July 15 HERE.
(there is no charge)
The exhibit is on display at the
Marathon County Public Library
during the months of July and August.
For more information about the Legacy Committee or to make a secure gift online, please visit here.