Reasons to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
“The likelihood of a nuclear catastrophe is greater today than during the cold war, and the
public is completely unaware of the danger.” Former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry
“American leaders have declared that nuclear weapons will remain the cornerstone of US
national security indefinitely. In truth…nuclear weapons are the sole military source of our
national insecurity. We, and the whole world, would be much safer if nuclear weapons were
abolished.” Rear Admiral Eugene J. Carroll, USN (Ret.)
Nuclear Weapons did not go away with the end of the Cold War. There are still an
estimated12,500 warheads owned by nine nations. This is enough to destroy human
The United States created nuclear weapons and are the only nation to have used them. We
fueled the Cold War arms race and are continuing this race to oblivion today. We have an
obligation to lead the world in stepping back from the brink of nuclear war.
The danger of nuclear weapons is increasing. The war in Ukraine has increased the
possibility of a deliberate use of nuclear weapons. But unintended accidents, technological
failures and human errors or miscalculations have always been a dangerous possibility. Only
the abolition of all nuclear weapons will end the threat of a nuclear catastrophe.
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) says the world is "drifting into
one of the most dangerous period in human history." The nine nuclear armed countries are
still adding to their stockpiles. The number of operational nuclear weapons grew in 2022. Both
the U.S. and Russia are busy “modernizing” their arsenals while opposing the United Nations
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Nukes do not enhance our national security. Nuclear weapons are the only weapons that can
reach and destroy our country. We are less secure because they exist. As Admiral Carroll
said many years ago, “…nuclear weapons are the sole military source of our national
Gen. John Sheehan, a former Commander of NATO, advises us that “These weapons have
increased global uncertainty and it is time for the global community to work toward a regime
that eliminates their existence and possible use.”
Nuclear weapons are militarily useless. The damage done can not be confined to the
battlefield. The fallout and radiation will spread worldwide. No one will win a nuclear
exchange. They can never be used.
Admiral Noel Gayler, a former commander of the Pacific Fleet and Director of the National
Security Agency, has said, “It is my view that there is no sensible military use for nuclear
George F. Kennan, the author of the Cold War communist “containment” policies agrees, “The
nuclear bomb is the most useless weapon ever invented. It can be employed to no rational
purpose. It is not even an effective defense against itself.”
There is no military, political, or ideological objectives that would be worth the death and
suffering from any use of nuclear weapons. Dr. Ira Helfand with the International Physicians
for the Prevention of Nuclear War, says “Even a very limited nuclear war, involving less than
0.5% of the world’s nuclear weapons, would be enough to cause catastrophic global climate
disruption and a worldwide famine, putting up to 2 billion people at risk.”
Nukes are the ultimate in wasteful spending. “Perhaps the most egregiously wasteful defense
expenditure is the excessive budget for the entire nuclear weapons complex…” This is the
opinion of retired Lt. Gen. Robert Gard and former chairman of the Center for Arms Control
and Non-Proliferation.
The definition of waste is expending resources on something you can not use. This waste
continues today. Rather than working with other nations to implement the Treaty on the
Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, the U.S. is fueling a new arms nuclear arms race by
spending $1.7 trillion to completely rebuild and “modernize” the entire arsenal and delivery
Nuclear weapons are an environmental disaster. The production of nuclear weapons has
polluted vast amounts of soil and water at hundreds of nuclear weapons facilities all over the
world. Mining and processing uranium for bombs produces huge amounts of highly toxic, long
lasting substances. These bi-products and waste are carcinogenic, cause genetic mutations
and can remain hazardous from decades to a100,000 years. There is no safe storage
facilities anywhere for this waste.
Nuclear weapons are immoral. Nuclear weapons deliberately and unavoidably target innocent
civilians. Military strategists know that millions (or billions) of innocent people would be killed
and maimed by any use of nuclear weapons. Their use would be a war crime.
The 1999 the Parliament of the World’s Religions declared, “…a peace based on terror, a
peace based upon threats of inflicting annihilation and genocide upon whole populations, is a
peace that is morally corrupting.” Pope Francis has said, “Now is time to affirm not only the
immorality of the use of nuclear weapons, but the immorality of their possession.”
Deterrence is playing chicken with humanity. Mutually Assured Destruction is an insane
policy. General George Lee Butler, a former commander of our nuclear forces, called them a
“fool's game.” He has written, “…these hideous devices unnecessarily prolonged and
intensified the Cold War… Deterrence was a formula for disaster. We escaped disaster by the
grace of God.”
Even if deterrence worked to prevent war (which it doesn't) we have many more nukes than
needed. In 1957 Admiral Arleigh Burke, the Chief of Naval Operations said 720 warheads on
invulnerable submarines would be enough to deter the Soviet Union.
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is a realistic blueprint to negotiate an end
to nuclear weapons. It is not unilateral disarmament. Nor does it endanger U.S national
security. The treaty requires the nine nuclear countries to negotiate verifiable disarmament
agreements to eliminate their nuclear arsenals.
But our government is opposed to the treaty. Only citizen pressure can change this
dangerous policy.
The late Archbishop Desmond Tutu described the situation well, “Disarmament is not an
option for governments to take up or ignore. It is a moral duty owed by them to their own
citizens, and to humanity as a whole. We must not await another Hiroshima or Nagasaki
before finally mustering the political will to banish these weapons from global arsenals.”
It is time all nuclear weapons are abolished.