Your Freedom Matters
First they came for our voting freedoms and I did not speak out
Because I didn’t vote
They came for my work place freedoms/ protections and wages
I didn’t speak because I didn’t understand why it was so important
Then they came for freedom to learn all that is possible through a great public education,
I didn’t realize public schools are the heart of equal opportunity for all communities
Quietly they attacked our state’s freedom to enjoy and protect our beautiful land and water
Very few have noticed because it wasn’t in their back yard
They came for the freedom to pursue truth & knowledge in “The Wisconsin Idea” through servants, researchers, professors and students. I didn’t think it mattered to my quality of life, I was wrong
They came after the freedom to live without fear of old age, sickness and hopeless poverty for our
families, and children. I began to notice more needy and unhealthy friends in my community
I now realize how BIG and dark money creates influence and political manipulation
I realize how so many of our basic freedoms, have been lost
Who is next? Will it be you? Will it be me?
I now realize how important it is to be an informed voter
Our state’s well being, my own well being and your well being depends on it
Your vote, your voice is incredibly important …together we make a difference
Join me by voting in the upcoming election
Early Voting Begins at your clerk’s office, March 23 to April 3, 2015
Absentee Ballot & Voting Info: