Recently, I sent checks to five public schools in Wisconsin along with a letter explaining my actions. I can’t in good conscience accept the “bribe” of a so-called tax refund when it impacts the welfare of my grandchildren and over 800,000 students attending public schools.
I believe in investing in our great public schools and the children who attend them. The generations who came before me invested in my public education. I am forever grateful to them. The previous generations wanted a better life for us and knew that a public education was the key to that better life. They knew an educated populace is crucial for our representative democracy to survive. I must do the same to support and invest in our children and our great public schools through property taxes. It is my duty and responsibility as a citizen.
Sadly, we are seeing our great public schools and school personnel under attack by our present governor and Republican controlled legislature. Our children who attend public schools have done nothing to deserve these attacks and the defunding of their community schools. These attacks on our district schools are breaking down the very foundation and heart of our communities. These attacks are heartbreaking and immoral.
In the letter, I thanked the teachers and staff for their service to our children. I encouraged them to not lose heart because what they are doing is vital to the welfare of our children and our representative democracy. I encouraged them to continue to serve our children by inspiring them to think, to problem solve, to believe in themselves, and to realize the possibilities within themselves. I thanked them for believing in our children.