Women for Women Presents: What’s Hiding in Big Ag and Some of Our Alternatives
What’s Hiding in Big Ag and Some of Our Alternatives
Please join Women for Women on Thursday, April 7 at 6 PM on Zoom for the following event. Zoom link is listed below.
Our water and soil resources are stressed. The world is facing food shortages. Join Women for Women this Thursday, April 7 at 6:00. Our speakers are Sarah Lloyd, who hold a B.A. from Brown University in Environmental Studies and the President of the Columbia County Farmers’ Union. She is also a dairy farmer. Along with Stacey Botsford, who along with her husband Tenzin own Red Door Farms, a certified organic vegetable farm. Learn about the effects of CAFOs, soil erosion, and water pollution right here in Wisconsin. What are some solutions and how can everyday citizen take part in solving these water and soil issues?
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“In Your Own Back Yard” , An Action Committee Program
When: April 12, 6:00-7:00
Zoom only: send email to Middle Wisconsin Contact form for zoom link
Topic: Enbridge Pipeline 5
Speaker: Estaban Chiriboga: environmental specialist from the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission.
The Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, which represents 11 Ojibwe tribes, told the DNR in a Dec. 10 letter that the state’s review has significant gaps in information. An intertribal agency says the state’s draft environmental review of a Canadian firm’s $450 million plan to reroute an oil and gas pipeline across northern Wisconsin is still expected to cross nearly 200 waterbodies and temporarily affect 135 acres of wetlands. What does that mean for the Great Lakes and WI?
Action suggested: Contact the DNR about Enbridge Pipeline 5 until April 15, which is the extended date for public comment.