What Children (and Everyone Else) Need to Read
What Children (and Everyone Else) Need to Read
Join us Tuesday, December 13 at 6 PM for In Your Own Backyard. We will watch a Ted Talk and discuss Book banning. Recently book banning affected the Marathon County Public Library.
Children’s author, Donna Jo Napoli, has received over 23 book awards most notably from the Parents’ Choice Silver Honor for her book “North” and “The King of Mulberry Street”. She was the keynote speaker in November, 2011, at the United Nations “Awake Not Sleeping” program which honored the collection of feminist fairy tales
Other notable books she has written are “As Night Falls”, “Stones in Water”, and “We are Starlings”.
In tonight’s TED talk “What Children (and Everyone Else) Needs to Read” she will explain the importance of having all types of books available in libraries and why books should not be banned.
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