2 results for tag: Wisconsin Retirement System


A LAUNDRY LIST OF BAD IDEAS By Phil Anderson In the last several weeks there has been an avalanche of policy changes floated by the Republican leadership in Wisconsin. All of them seem to be solutions looking for a problem. Three prior attempted policy changes were the “Wisconsin Idea,” voter ID, and “reforming” the open meeting laws. None were the result of thoughtful, well researched examinations of problems facing Wisconsin residents. Nor were their “solutions” likely to do any good. Given the Republican propensity to shove legislation through without much notice or public input, citizens will need to react quickly to the latest ...


SAVING FOR RETIREMENT By Joyce Luedke The numbers are stark.  Few Americans have saved for retirement. Those with access to 401(k)’s have not saved enough.  " Sixty five percent of respondents to an August 2012 AARP survey said they worry they won't have enough to retire and 72% believe they will have to delay retirement." Social Security benefits represent about 38% of income for the elderly . Twenty-two percent of married couples and about 47% of unmarried people rely on Social Security for 90% or more of their income.  In 2014, 101,000 people 65 and older in Wisconsin claimed the Homestead Tax Credit.  (Dave Hansen's radio ...