6 results for tag: Wausau

Want a shovel ready project? Clear the sidewalks!

I am trying to understand why the city of Wausau has forced us to navigate poorly cleared sidewalks along Grand Avenue.

Vigil to be held for Wausau’s homeless

The Northcentral Chapter of Wisconsin Poor People’s Campaign is holding Wausau’s first Vigil for the Unhoused on the day that has the longest night of the year, December 21st, starting at 2:30 p.m.on the 400 block.

Wausau going big on solar energy should excite those who love nature

As a homeowner myself, there was something in their desire to preserve “hearth and home” that at first struck an empathetic chord.

Neighborhood Investment Program is meant to fund needs, not wants

The Economic Development Committee (EDC) has told the city of Wausau that it has applied for $10.5 million from the Neighborhood Investment Program to fund a pretty pedestrian bridge in Wausau’s Opportunity Zone (WOZ) "vision” for the redevelopment of the former Wausau Center Mall.

Contaminated brownfields: how did it come to this in America?

The business is long gone, the buildings removed but the aftermath is not.  Left behind is a “brownfield,” a nice word for a site contaminated with deadly poisons, and no one left to pay for clean-up if that’s even possible. And what to do with it once it is cleaned up? Another industrial site, another fence line community in the poorer part of town where the people of color live. There are thousands of brownfields all over America. How did it come to this? No one intended to damage the Earth and make humans sick. We blundered into it.

Remediate contamination to meet housing need in Wausau

This plot is supposed to be zoned as residential. Due to an honest mistake it is labelled industrial and the City wants to go with that instead of pursuing opportunities for housing. But it’s no mistake that working Wausonians are hurting for safe and reasonably priced housing. We’ll need over 400 new residences by 2025.