2 results for tag: Voter turnout


IS DEMOCRACY ON THE ROPES? By Pat Slutske (Reprinted with permission from Grassroots North Shore) Lately we've been calling your attention to specific challenges progressives are facing right now — issues like the attempts to gut our open records law, or attacks on the Legislative Audit Bureau and the Government Accountability Board. The attack on the venerable civil service, created more than 100 years ago to stymie corruption and cronyism in government, is simply the latest of these outrages. These are matters calling for intense and immediate action. But to understand fully why these sorts of things keep cropping up, it helps to put them ...

Reducing Money in Politics

Do you think there is too much money in politics? Do you think politicians are bought by big money contributions? We need to do something about the extreme amount of money being raised and spent on elections. But it is unlikely that the politicians, or the industries that profit from the current mess, will allow change. What can we do? We can reduce the influence of money in politics if more of us participated in elections. First we should recognize that politics is the way we make decisions in a democratic society. It is how we decide priorities, spending, and public policy. If citizens abdicate, then special interests take over.   Refusing to ...