2 results for tag: Public School Teacher


TEACHERS DESERVE RESPECT By Phil Anderson The general public thinks teachers have easy jobs with high pay, good benefits, overly generous retirements, and all summer off from work. But the truth is quite different. Those who think teaching is an easy “part time” job should walk a few steps (a mile is not necessary) in their shoes. If you talk with teachers you get a different picture. Teachers have a difficult, demanding job, both physically and emotionally. Most teachers work long hours for modest pay. They do not have summers “off;” rather they are unemployed. And even though the work they do is critically important, they are unfairly ...

Statement on the Proposed State Budget

Statement on the Proposed State Budget By Pete Flesch Crawford County Board Chair Despite the promised removal of language gutting Wisconsin's open records law, this proposed budget is still a disaster that deserves to be rejected. Here are some of the reasons why: Transportation Funding: A path to nowhere This budget does nothing to address sustainability of the transportation fund, where revenues continue to decline. Instead it puts half a billion dollars on the state's credit card and delays needed maintenance and repair. How far do you suppose that $5 of property tax relief will go towards replacing our cars' battered struts and shocks...