4 results for tag: Private vs. Public Schools


STOP THE TAKEOVER OF MILWAUKEE PUBLIC SCHOOLS WDPI (Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction) has named 55 Milwaukee Public Schools that fail to meet expectations. Senator Kooyenga and Senator Darling have proposed a bill for the future of these 55 schools. It is called OSPP (Opportunity Schools & Partnership Programs). 1) The basic “solution” proposed by Darling and Kooyenga is that their “new governance structure in MPS [is] to free students from nonperforming schools.” The assertion that there is a need to provide “new opportunities” to parents and students ignores the fact that the city of Milwaukee has more school options ...


CALL TO ACTION TO SAVE OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS I signed a petition on Action Network telling Members of the Wisconsin State Legislature to STOP the Takeover of Milwaukee Public Schools. Republicans Senator Alberta Darling and Rep. Dale Kooyenga have proposed legislation to take over many Milwaukee Public Schools that educate mainly African American and Latino children in high-poverty neighborhoods. Our communities reject this takeover of our schools. We want vibrant, public community schools that welcome and serve all children, offer special education services and bilingual education, and are locally controlled and accountable to parents. Cities ...

Rocky Balboa Political Types

A letter to the editor Rocky Balboa political types appear attractive in Wisconsin these days. Portraying themselves as a fighter makes a winner. Voters appear not interested in the details such as who and what the fight is for, and how it will affect me. Adam Jarchow, our current assembly representative, fought hard against Polk County's efforts to improve and preserve our lakes. Had he won, the result would have been deteriorating lake water quality producing lower property values and increased taxes for some. Water quality deterioration lowers property values and taxes. Those tax losses get collected from other taxpayers in the county - you and ...


A letter to the editor: Sit up and pay attention! Pardon me. I just used what my son calls my school teacher voice. It's that important, neighbors. On January 14th the Wisconsin legislature holds hearings on the so called school accountability bill (A co-sponsor is Assemblyman Jarchow). I urge you to watch carefully as the party of small government takes more control away from our local school boards. The plan is for a 13 member academic review board established by the legislature to oversee and grade public schools, for-profit schools, and private voucher schools. Sounds good, right? So far, of three education sectors receiving taxpayer ...