8 results for tag: Poverty

Food equity starts with farmers markets

FoodShare, also known as SNAP, EBT, Quest card, and formerly known as Food Stamps, is one of the most effective government programs for lifting people out of poverty.

New Options for Using EBT

During my working years, I spent a lot of time working for agencies that helped people living in poverty. I firmly believe that the poor are best served by those who have shared experiences.

The road to poverty is paved with good intentions

As a proposed increase to the minimum wage became part of the COVID Relief bill, then later scrapped, my subconscious pointed out a flaw in my thinking. I had a vivid dream where I was talking to numerous business owners who are a part of our vibrant local food scene. Many of these restaurateurs, farmers, and value-added food producers make $50,000 per year or less while paying the current minimum wage, or slightly more. Paying workers based on a wage ratio limit would not necessarily guarantee a living wage, so in the dream they were asking me what they should pay. What would be a competitive pay rate?

Technically disabled

Like more than 80% of blind and visually impaired Americans, Mr. Davis is unemployed. Like many blind and visually impaired people he is employable and does want to be active in the community.

Still fighting for $15 minimum wage

Wisconsin has been at $7.25 an hour since 2010 when the state made the increase to keep up with federal minimum wage.

The Looming Retirement Crisis

The Looming Retirement Crisis By Joyce Luedke Currently half of all Americans 65 and older live on $18,000 a year or less. 75% of those nearing retirement age have less than $30,000 saved for retirement. In Wisconsin 101,000 people 65 and older claim the Homestead Tax Credit. In Wisconsin more than 48,000 households with people 60 or older received food stamps in 2010. The number of people 65 and older is projected to nearly double over the next 30 years. The number of people 85 and older will skyrocket 142% to 287,000. The number of people 65 and older is projected to nearly double over the next 30 years. The ...


One Name, Two Fates….”The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine.  The tragedy is that my story could have been his.”   This wonderful book by author Wes Moore must be included in conversations about disparity, race and poverty. Two young African-American boys grow up within city blocks of each other in Baltimore. Each is named Wes Moore. One is currently serving life-imprisonment for murder. The other grew up to be a Rhodes Scholar, decorated combat veteran of Afghanistan, White House Fellow and business leader. Author Wes Moore was a speaker at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, was named one of Ebony magazin...

Dean Einerson’s Speech to Wisconsin Jobs Now Workers Before the Strike

Wausau, WI Labor Temple September 4, 2014 It is really good to be here in Wausau again. It is good to be here because it is always good to be around brave people. It is good to be here because the brave workers in Wausau are showing the rest of the North Woods what all of us need to do to get ahead. It is good to be here because there are workers in 130 cities and 35 countries on strike today for $15 and a union and that is very, very good. In the fall of 2012 there were a couple of hundred workers on strike. Last May there were strikes in over 100 cities, over 20 countries, and 6 continents. (The penguins in Antarctica haven’t started ...