2 results for tag: Military Budget

RIGHT-SIZING THE PENTAGON (how to reduce military spending and maintain security)

RIGHT-SIZING THE PENTAGON (how to reduce military spending and maintain security) By Philip Anderson   I believe we can reduce military spending without hurting national security. Reducing the huge cost of our military requires many reforms large and small. It requires reducing waste. We need to take the profit out of war. We need to demilitarize our foreign policy. And we need to “right size” the military. Reduce the waste. Waste is endemic in the military and is the obvious place to begin reducing costs. Waste happens everywhere at every level from large weapons programs to small everyday activities. In my 20 years of military ...

Shrink the Pentagon’s Massive Contribution to Climate Change

Shrink the Pentagon's Massive Contribution to Climate Change by Lenore Hitchler (This article was first published in The Capital Times) Roads melting from a heatwave in India. Droughts. Floods in Bangladesh. Many scientists believe the dramatic increase in extreme weather is a result of global climate change. Pope Francis is particularly concerned about the ethics of not stopping global warming, as he discusses in his encyclical. A lot of talk about the causes of climate change emphasizes the contributions of individuals to the problem. The solutions to climate change focuses on what individuals can do, such as driving hybrid cars and shopping ...