3 results for tag: Middle Class


UNIONS BUILT THE MIDDLE CLASS By John Spiegelhoff The 1950’s and 1960’s are considered a time of prosperity for our country. Workers were paid a good wage and our economy was booming. Corporate CEO’s earned just a little more than the workers. Our country manufactured goods right here in America and manufacturing jobs were plentiful. Companies took pride in their workforce. They knew a well-paid workforce with benefits and a pension benefitted the entire country. Most people considered themselves middle class. Now people are wondering: what happened to our middle class? Over the past forty years this is what happened. In 1954 ...

What Happened To the Notion of Us? A Declaration of Action

What is to become of us as a nation? Do we talk about each other in those terms or do we talk about how we function as a nation as “us and them.” I am not blameless. My worldview has been shaped by my experiences. I am human and I am guilty of viewing those on the other side of the political fence as having little empathy for others. But deep in my heart, I do not want to believe it to be this way. We are all being played - played by the Koch Brothers, the 1% ers and their ilk. We are constantly bombarded that “others” are to blame - the poor, the Unions, the teachers or insert your identified villain of the day here _________. We are ...


A letter to the editor: Minnesota’s Governor Dayton did just the opposite of Wisconsin’s Governor Walker. Dayton raised taxes on the super wealthy and corporations who had already received the huge Bush tax cuts, and the results speak for themselves: Minnesota ended 2014 with a $1.23 Billion Surplus that is expected to keep rising Wisconsin faces a $2.2 Billion Deficit for 2015 In the past 25 years the nation’s economy has grown by 83 percent, and workers today produce twice as many goods and services per hour on the job as they did in 1989. But after adjusting for inflation the typical family income hasn’t budged. Far too many ...