March Forth to Earth Day
We are halfway through our eight-weeks of March Forth to Earth Day. For four straight Fridays, our little rally in Wausau is one of over eighteen communities across Wisconsin marching. We have been out in very cold, wet, and windy weather each Friday, committed to sounding the alarm to everyone that we are in a climate emergency. Please join us each Friday from noon-1PM. Come for part or the whole event. We rally on Wausau’s 400 Block and bring a sign! Here is a schedule of other events statewide:
It is time for all leaders; local, state, and federal, to help declare that we are in a climate emergency. You and I together must continue to push our leaders to divest from the economic systems that fund the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure. It’s time to honor the treaties and employ thousands of people with good paying jobs to remove the old, leaky pipelines from the treaty protected lands of the First Nations Peoples. We need to face the fact that climate change can’t wait. We owe it to the young and generations yet to come to do what must be done to stop and reverse the climate crisis.
Here are ways you can learn more and help:
Get involved with our statewide March Forth to Earth Day Team. Building Unity is meeting on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm via zoom. If you can’t make this meeting but would still like to get involved, call Tim at 608-630-3633.
“Red Dress for MMIWg2S Great Lakes Campaign” (MMIWg2S Families Established 2021 in the Twin Ports)
Please join the ongoing list of locations in the Great Lakes and Statewide supporting the Red Dress for MMIWg2S Campaign with Red Dress Public Awareness Art and Posters sharing Important Data
Contact Rene Ann Goodrich
News article on Wausau Reef Drilling:
Press Release from mining company:
Research on PFAS in drilling chemicals: