303 results for author: Phil Anderson

Repeating Past Mistakes in Palestine

The United States is, once again, exacerbating the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians. Once again we are rushing to support military actions by Israel that will not resolve the animosities that have festered for over 100 years. Once again we are part of the problem and not the solution. How many times do we have to repeat the mistakes of the past before we get a clue? President Biden has expressed unconditional support for Israel and their military response to the Hamas attack on October 7th. Biden said “In this moment, we must be crystal clear: we stand with Israel.” He also said “Israel is a democracy. Israel is our ally. Israel ...

Ban Censorship Not Books

“If this nation is to be wise as well as strong, if we are to achieve our destiny, then we need more new ideas for more wise men reading more good books in more public libraries. These libraries should be open to all – except the censor. We must know all the facts and hear all the alternatives and listen to all the criticisms. Let us welcome controversial books and controversial authors.” President John F Kennedy Efforts to ban books and to censor what is taught in public schools have increased dramatically in the last two years. Since 2021, a handful of right-wing organizations have been pressuring school districts and pubic libraries to ban ...

MWN Shows Real Courage

Middle Wisconsin News should be praised for their journalistic courage exhibited in the October 16th edition. It takes real courage to buck the government, mainstream media and the majority of public thinking, especially on emotional topics like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. MWN should be commended for publishing Caitlin Johnston's article about Hamas' attack not being “unprovoked.” There have been over 100 years of provocation by Jewish settlers in Palestine and the Israeli government that continues today with the expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Advertising the video, recommended by Dave Svetlik, of Dr. Gabor Mate ...

Update on the Golden Rule Voyage

In September 2022, Duluth was the kickoff of an extraordinary voyage for peace and the abolition of nuclear weapons. Three members the Golden Rule crew came to Duluth to hold the first public events in an 11,000 mile journey to raise awareness of the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. The trip began in Minneapolis and ended on September 17, 2023 in Chicago. The Golden Rule is a 34 foot sailboat which, in 1958, attempted to sail to the South Pacific to oppose U.S. nuclear weapons testing. The voyage was unsuccessful (the crew members were arrested in Hawaii) but it helped create pressure for future nuclear testing and ...

Honoring the Peacemakers

The U.S. Peace Memorial Foundation (www.uspeacememorial.org). The Foundation was created to honor peacemakers by building a memorial on the Mall in Washington, D.C. Dr. Michael Knox, the founder, says “Our society should be as proud of those who fight for alternatives to war as it is of those who fight wars.” All across our country there are many monuments honoring the sacrifice of those who served in the military and fought in our many wars. But rarely do you find memorials for those who sacrificed to promote peace. The foundation is working to “promote a culture where our traditions and rituals not only pay tribute to those who fight ...

Nullifying Democracy in Wisconsin

Wisconsin voters overwhelmingly elected Justice Janet Protasiewicz to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. In a record turnout, she received 1.2 million votes and won by 11%. But before she could hear a single case, Republicans were threatening to impeach her.   This outrageous call for impeachment is a blatant effort to nullify the election. If Republicans can overturn the election of Justice Protasiewicz, democracy is dead in Wisconsin. Who will be next? What outrageous maneuver to maintain their ill-gotten power and control will be next?   In America when voters elect someone, opposition politicians don't get to overturn that election ...

The Wisconsin Assembly Should Be Ashamed

This is a submission from Protect Our Wisconsin Retirement Security (POWRS). We are a volunteer, statewide group of retired teachers and public employees working (since Gov. Walker) to protect the state public retirement system, Social Security, Medicare, and advocate for better retirement options for all Wisconsin workers. We are not a partisan group and this topic is outside our normal mission, but this attack on the integrity of our elections demands action. Subject:   Impeachment of Justice Janet Protasiewicz To:           The Republican members of the Wisconsin Assembly From:      The undersigned individuals and ...

News Items You May Have Missed

Citizens United at 13 This year marks the thirteenth anniversary of Citizens United. This decision by the U.S. Supreme Court ended a century of restrictions on donations to political candidates. It allowed, corporations, other groups, and individuals to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence elections. The only limitation was they couldn't coordinate directly with a candidate's campaign. The result was an avalanche of $4.5 billion dollars in the decade following the 2010 decision to buy elections. Most of this money was donated by a few super wealthy individuals. “Our politics should not be a tug of war between billionaires on the right and ...

Ignoring the Lessons of Past Mistakes

Wars are a sink hole for tax dollars. This is well known and one would think Congress would take steps to prevent waste, fraud and corruption with spending on Ukraine. But this is not the case. In July, Senate Democrats blocked creating an inspector general to oversee spending for the war in Ukraine. Congress has so far authorized $113 billion in spending for Ukraine. John Sopko, the former Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, says “If that much money is coming in, you know some of it is going to be stolen...” Even more of it is going to be wasted or simply disappear in to the fog of war. The Pentagon's has an abysmal record ...

Everyone Benefits From Unions

"Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden freedom is lost." President Ronald Reagan. “United we bargain. Divided we beg,” Service Employees International Union slogan. “We all do better when we all do better,” the late Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota. Everyone doing better involves collective action and win-win solutions. This is what collective bargaining by unions is all about. It is democracy applied to the workplace. Ronald Reagan's statement is true even if spoken disingenuously by a union busting politician. We are all better off because of unions. Even if you have never been represented by one, unions have made ...