3 results for author: Rep. Melissa Sargent


Last week, I took my oldest son to New York City to celebrate his high school graduation. Together, we stood at the base of the Statue of Liberty – soaking in the words that embodied our nation’s ethos 240 years ago at its founding: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”. Think about what those words mean for a moment. In this beautiful poem, the United States of America is literally calling out to the rest of the world, stating clearly that we welcome those who have been downtrodden, those in war torn lands, those who wish for a better life. We live in a land that provides opportunity, a land that ...

Rep. Melissa Sargent: GOP leaves no room for bipartisan cooperation

Rep. Melissa Sargent: GOP leaves no room for bipartisan cooperation June 23, 2015 4:30 am    REP. MELISSA SARGENT | Democratic member, Wisconsin Assembly Two weeks ago I happened to read an opinion column written by Rep. Scott Allen that was published in the Cap Times. While I don’t usually make a habit of responding to columns like his, I couldn’t help but note the irony of him accusing Democrats of “partisan posturing” and creating “an environment of extreme rhetoric,” only to paradoxically stress the importance of bipartisanship and cooperation mere paragraphs later. Interestingly enough, all of those words indicate a ...

Rep. Melissa Sargent: Government for the People is a Moral Responsibility

Rep. Melissa Sargent: Government for the people is a moral responsibility by MELISSA SARGENT | Democratic member of Assembly from Madison Last week, I stayed up late listening to the proceedings in the Joint Finance Committee as the Republicans once again pushed more money into taxpayer-subsidized, private voucher schools to the detriment of public education. As I watched my 5-year-old sleeping next to me, tears streamed down my face. I was devastated at the thought of how different his educational experience will be from my own and even my oldest son’s. Public education — once seen as a public good and the cornerstone for future genera...