Women for Women Presents
Women for Women
Missing and Murdered indigenous Women
Thursday, April 6
6 PM
W4W is extremely fortunate to have Tricia Zunker as our guest speaker on Thursday, April 6th, at 6 PM. She will speak to an issue we all should be aware of and strive to address; the horrible issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.
Tricia’s background is astounding. She has been an Associate Justice of the HO-Chunk Nation Supreme Court since 2013. She has also served as President of the Wausau School Board, is founding director of Central Wisconsin Indigenous Peoples’ Day Committee and is a member of the HO-Chunk Nation.
Ms. Zunker is a longtime educator; she has taught in the Legal Studies Department at University of Maryland, in the Criminal Justice department of Colorado State University-Global Campus, and serves as law professor of California School of Law, where she also serves as Dean of Faculty. She also is a member of the ACLU of Wisconsin Board of Directors, including serving on the Executive Committee. Tricia is also serving on the board of MEA (Midwest Environmental Advocates) which strives to protect our environment in Wisconsin. In addition she is a busy mom with a teenage son.
We will also learn about the upcoming 7th CD Convention on April 29.
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