Wisconsin Breast Cancer Coalition
NBCC (National Breast Cancer Coalition) and WBCC (Wisconsin Breast Cancer Coalition) advocates have been working tirelessly to move the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act H.R. 3183 to the floor for a vote before the end of this session. This legislation provides critical health access to women and men with metastatic breast cancer and not long to live. They should not have to wait two years for Medicare coverage they are already eligible for.
Through the hard work of WBCC advocates and NBCC advocates nation-wide, progress continues with new developments evolving overnight.
Please take action on the following two actions which focus on contacting Congressional leadership and encouraging our champions and cosponsors to speak to Leader Hoyer and Speaker Pelosi.
- Please call Representatives Pocan and Moore, cosponsors of H.R. 3183 urging them to speak directly with Leader Hoyer/Speaker Pelosi and urge them to include the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act in the final year-end spending package. Please make this ask of your cosponsors TODAY! See script below:
“[Advocate Intro] I’m calling today to ask if Rep. (Pocan/Moore) would be willing to once again approach Speaker Pelosi and/or Leader Hoyer urging them to include HR 3183 in the year-end spending package. As a supporter of this legislation, we need Rep.Pocan / Moore to weigh in with House Leadership that this common-sense legislation needs to be included.
This legislation provides critical health access to women and men with metastatic disease and long to live. They should not wait two years for Medicare coverage they are already eligible for. Enacting this bill will send a powerful message to women across the country.
We appreciate your continued support. We are counting on Rep. Pocan/Moore to help us get this bill across the finish line this year. “
Contact Information:
Representative Pocan: 202-225-2906
Representative Moore: 202-225-4572
- Advocate calls to Leader Hoyer & Pelosi remain critical. Please call their offices directly using the info and script below:
Pelosi’s office: (202) 225-4965
Hoyer’s office: (202) 225-4131
“[Call Script] My name is [insert advocate first name], and I am a breast cancer advocate [if applicable, a cancer survivor/loved one of a survivor] and a member of the National Breast Cancer Coalition.
I urge you and your colleagues in Leadership to bring H.R. 3183, the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act, to the floor for a vote before the end of the session.
Women and men with metastatic breast cancer do not have time to wait. Please work to advance this critical legislation, which has overwhelming bipartisan support. “
Please act NOW and continue to act next week. We need to FLOOD the phone lines with calls every day. Please share this alert with family members, friends and other organizations, ie, breast cancer organizations, women’s organizations, health organizations, teachers, nurses etc.
Thank You For Taking Action Today and Continue Next Week