To our Readers from the Editor….

  • Middle Wisconsin

To our Readers from the Editor….

Today is Pearl Harbor Day.

Seventy-one years ago on December 7, Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor, thinking that would keep the USA out of the Pacific war front. Instead it galvanized the American people and the next day President Roosevelt declared war on the Japanese.

Americans had stayed out of the war until then. Once attacked, Americans did what they knew was needed. They needed to stop the totalitarian forces attempting to take over the world. Americans of all ranks and social classes joined the military. Women and minorities went to work in the factories. People planted Victory Gardens and lived with rationing of gasoline, tires, meat, butter and sugar (to name a few items).

We are called to a similar awakening: that of climate change. For too long, deniers have been in charge. Our featured book is Change the Story, Change the Future by Robert Korten. This book is helpful in responding to climate change. As swiftly as the USA changed from a peace-time economy to a war-economy in 1941, so the time is here for the world to shift from a free market economy to an earth-friendly economy.

For nearly five years, Middle Wisconsin has been publishing articles on the corporate takeover of our world, particularly the USA and Wisconsin. In this issue, we present articles about Wisconsin’s clean government, workers’ compensation and CAFOs (Concentrated Agricultural Feeding Operation).

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Thank you, Virginia Kirsch