The “Precedent” for DEMOCRACY: Marathon County’s Proposed Medical Marijuana Referendum (Video)

Watch the brief film below on the Marathon County Board’s upcoming vote tomorrow, July 24, regarding whether or not it will allow citizens to participate in the democratic process by giving their opinions in a non-binding county referendum in November.


Public Access Video of Full Marathon County Board Meeting on July 19 Including an Agenda Item on the Medical Marijuana Referendum:

County Board Supervisor Districts and Contact Information:


In 2018, a Marathon County resident asked the County Board’s Health and Human Services Committee to consider a non-binding, advisory referendum on medical marijuana. It passed 4 to 1, and consequently moved to the full county board for consideration.

The referendum is simply to determine citizens’ opinions on the matter in the county. It is non-binding and advisory. Residents would be allowed to weigh in on the topic, and the results would be sent to the state government to inform it of the community’s sentiments.

Despite seemingly strong support across both age segments and the political spectrum for the referendum, several board members employed arguments to oppose it.

1. The first argument was that the citizens in Marathon County were too “uninformed” to vote on the matter. This position did not seem to be well-received by the public.

2. The next argument to be employed against the referendum was that it would set a “precedent” for advisory referendums in the county related to state legislative matters over which the county has no authority or jurisdiction.

The second argument turned out to be factually and historically incorrect. Please see the video above.

On July 24, the county board will vote on whether or not citizens will be allowed to give their opinion on the matter through an advisory referendum on the November ballot.