• Picture that says thank you

By Joyce Luedke

Thank you.  Simple words that must be said.  Thank you:

Mandy Wright and the founders of Middle Wisconsin.  Middle Wisconsin is hailed across the state as a reliable, refreshing, Progressive News source.  Middle Wisconsin provides writers a “voice”—a voice we did not have before.

Mandy Wright, as Representative of the citizens of the 85th, who spoke the truth when others tried to silence your voice.  You were and will be an advocate for families, public education, and the progressive policies we know have a positive impact on the lives of individuals and families.

Nancy Stencil for emphasizing fairness, respect, and integrity when it comes to standing up for individuals and families who are working hard every day and still not making ends meet. Every day you live the values you hold so dearly.

Kelly Westlund for supporting a living wage, jobs that provide stability in rural areas, using resources wisely, and a Congress that is responsive to the citizens in the huge 7th Congressional District.

Paul DeMain (aka Paula) for tirelessly championing policies to benefit future generations: fresh water and air, pristine areas to restore our souls, and quality public education.

Mary Burke who knew ahead of time she faced a mountain and yet bravely entered the race and consistently spoke about common sense and Progressive values.

Progressive Candidates – winners and losers – who all across Wisconsin believed in the people of our state. You put your lives on hold for months.

Senator Dale Schultz who courageously stood with the Democratic Senators to reject Act 10, the law limiting collective bargaining for most public employees  and Act 1, and the sweeping, deregulating mining bill written by GTac.

Senator Bob Jauch and Senator Tim Cullen for your years of service to us, the people of Wisconsin.  We are hoping Senators Schultz, Jauch, and Cullen will continue their work as proponents of Progressive policies for years to come.

Family members.  You are the shoulders that carry the heavy load when the candidates and other staff are weary and frustrated.  Your devotion to the cause is personal.

Campaign managers for the guidance and countless hours you devoted alongside the candidates to bring the message to the citizens:  A living wage is crucial; fair funding for our children who attend our great public schools is essential; wise use of our natural resources for future generations is a moral issue.

Rita and Milt Pachal and the Move to Amend team. Your efforts are the beginning of a force that will continue to grow to overturn Citizens United with a Constitutional Amendment.

Volunteers who donated money and time.  You manned the phones, knocked on doors, fed the crew, painted signs, and did the countless, behind-the-scenes tasks that were seemingly endless.  A special thank you, from me, goes out to 84 year-old Jean.  You are an inspiration!

And dear Dorothy.  Your profound wisdom and generosity of time is immeasurable.  I learned so much from you not only about politics but about life’s challenges and how to meet them head-on with grace and humor.

The County Chairs.  What would we do without you?

The team of Middle Wisconsin—the writers who inspire us to delve into the issues facing us and who challenge us to act, contact a legislator, or research an issue further.  Many countless hours are required by the team behind the scenes to publish a quality Progressive News source.

In 2015, we will continue to be challenged by the issues facing us.  With amazing people surrounding us and working with us we will prevail.