2 results for tag: Workers’ Memorial Day


(Memorial Day began as Decoration Day after the American Civil War to honor those fallen soldiers of the North. Later Memorial Day was expanded to include all military personnel who died in the service of their country. Memorial Day has expanded to include all dear ones who have died. On April 25, 2015 Memorial Day for Workers remembered people who died while in the workplace. Here is the speech given by Randy Radke.) MEMORIAL DAY FOR WORKERS By Randy Radke I would like to thank everyone who was able to join us today to remember our fallen sisters and brothers. Today—in cities, towns, union halls, at worksites and memorials, in community ...


Unless you are a labor historian, you probably wouldn’t know who Mary “Mother” Jones was. But her legacy in the labor movement is immense. Mary Mother Jones was born Mary Harris in 1837 in Cork, Ireland. She moved to Toronto, Canada at ten years old due to the potato famine in Ireland. In her early adulthood she moved to the United States, married and had four children. In 1867 yellow fever struck her entire family leaving her a widow. She moved to Chicago where her small dressmaking shop eventually burned in the 1871 Chicago fire. In her later years, Mary Harris championed against deplorable working conditions, subsistence wages, twelve ...