2 results for tag: Wisconsin Politics

Blue Jean Nation

American democracy is caught on the horns of a dilemma. Most Americans are feeling fed up with the Republicans and let down by the Democrats — with good reason — as both major parties are failing the country. Yet a third party isn't the answer. Like it or not, America has a two-party system. Ours was not set up as a parliamentary democracy, where competing factions can join forces and form coalition governments. We don't have fusion voting, or instant runoff voting, or proportional representation, or any of the mechanisms that would allow third parties or independent candidates to successfully compete in our elections and hold power in our ...

ON THE BOOKSHELVES….BLUE JEANS IN HIGH PLACES – The Coming Makeover of American Politics

The best book to read this post-election is BLUE JEANS IN HIGH PLACES, The Coming Makeover of American Politics by Mike McCabe. In this book, McCabe offers a plan to re-invent our political system to represent the people. For the past 15 years, Mike, Director and founder of Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, has been following the money in American politics. He writes from experience and with sound evidence. His writing (like his speeches) is refreshing and encouraging. We the people are not as hopelessly divided as we think. However, we are numb when it comes to the moral decay of our democracy. McCabe does a very good job of explaining our present ...