2 results for tag: Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau
A Wisconsin Tragedy in Three Acts
A Wisconsin Tragedy in Three Acts
By Nancy Kaplan, Kath Michel and Pat Slutske
(of Grassroots North Shore)
The word 'free' is heavily used by the Right, even in contexts where it is not appropriate. They use it wantonly in order to control perception and influence people. Because everything 'free' must be good (like motherhood or apple pie), the word has a halo effect on other words in a phrase or sentence, magically making them inherently good too.
But beware! Right wingers use it to mask their true intentions: to strip us of the liberty and freedom democracy affords. Their war against democracy — an insidious, well-planned, and ...
Kicking Controls Out the Window
Kicking Controls Out the Window
By State Senator Kathleen Vinehout
No UW Oversight by LAB a Recipe for Corruption
"Suspend current law…requiring the Legislative Audit Bureau to conduct an annual financial audit of the UW System. Instead, require the UW System to contract with an independent accounting firm,” read the motion introduced by Senator Harsdorf and Representative Schraa.Recent action by a majority of the state’s budget writing committee not only kicked the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB) out of the UW System but also approved a process to get rid of state purchasing laws at the UW and waive the state’s bidding ...