4 results for tag: School funding


BACK TO ALEC, BACK TO PRIVATE SCHOOLS By Rep Chris Taylor (D-Madison) On the heels of a newly passed state budget that again leaves our K-12 public schools behind without ample and consistent funding, I recently headed back to where the school privatization push all began — the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC. ALEC and its members, including the American Federation for Children, have become more powerful than our citizens’ voices at the state Capitol. Despite massive public urging from Wisconsin school superintendents, principals, teachers, parents and students for consistent and adequate K-12 public education funding, ...


The "legacy" of families and communities working together is the inheritance my grandparents, parents, and the Finnish immigrants who settled in Maple, WI gave to me. My grandparents, Konsta and Mary, farmed 160 acres of red clay and tended to a herd of 15 to 20 dairy cows.  Konsta's brother, Charlie, lived and worked with them.  One of Mary's brothers, Willard, who was born with disabilities also lived with them and contributed to the well-being of a family working together.  They needed each other. My grandparents needed help with the rigorous work of farming.   Charlie and Willard needed work and a home.  This deep sense of responsibi...

“I Don’t Have a Clue” – School Play Mirrors Confusion in Assembly Education Committee

“Edgar: All right, everybody; back to the scene of the crime. “Ella: New clues? “Carol: What clues? “Bob: What’s the next clue? “Carol: I don’t have a clue. “Norman: (At the window box, dramatically.) Guys, the body’s gone!” So goes the hilarious comedy written by Craig Sodaro and performed by Alma students. The play begins as a murder mystery dinner invitation and ends wrapped up in an international smuggling ring. Students spent the last three and a half months practicing lines and preparing costumes. Play Director Tom Brakke coordinated a cast of roughly a quarter of Alma’s Middle and High Schoolers with ...


A letter to the editor: Sit up and pay attention! Pardon me. I just used what my son calls my school teacher voice. It's that important, neighbors. On January 14th the Wisconsin legislature holds hearings on the so called school accountability bill (A co-sponsor is Assemblyman Jarchow). I urge you to watch carefully as the party of small government takes more control away from our local school boards. The plan is for a 13 member academic review board established by the legislature to oversee and grade public schools, for-profit schools, and private voucher schools. Sounds good, right? So far, of three education sectors receiving taxpayer ...