2 results for tag: koch brothers


The power of money in politics is on our minds these days, especially since the Koch brothers just announced that they will be spending almost a BILLION dollars on the 2016 election. What’s in it for the Koch brothers? To bypass party politics altogether. Why? To govern on their terms. What would that mean? In 1980, David Koch ran for vice president on the Libertarian ticket. The party platform answers this question. Here are a few excerpts: Repeal federal campaign finance laws, and abolish the Federal Election Commission. Abolish Medicare and Medicaid. Deregulate the medical insurance industry. Repeal Social Security. Abolish ...

Corporate Colonization of Wisconsin: Divide and Conquer

Portions of this article appeared originally on Uppity Wisconsin and can be found here. This is the first in a series of articles by Dr. Keith Roberts discussing the corporate colonization of the state of Wisconsin. In this article Dr. Roberts defines the process of colonization and shows comparisons between the exploitation of third world countries and the current state of affairs in Wisconsin. “Divide and conquer” is a critical first step in controlling the colonized population. Many of the problems in today's world are the legacy of colonization. This can be seen in the tensions between India and Pakistan, in the Gulf States in the ...