4 results for tag: Election

How to steal an election in 20 nearly impossible and hard to hide steps

“What would it take to perpetrate such a spectacular and massive fraud? What are the obstacles?” Kehoe asked, posing and then answering the question to the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections on Wednesday. “There are a few.”

Updated Voting Instructions for November 4, 2014 Elections – No Photo ID Required for Voting!

U.S. Supreme Court Decision Blocks Wisconsin Voter Photo ID Law (http://gab.wi.gov/node/3412) Late Thursday, October 9, 2014, the United States Supreme Court issued an order blocking implementation of Wisconsin's voter photo ID law for the November 4, 2014 General Election. More information about the impact of this decision will be posted as soon as it becomes available. Information stating that voter photo ID is in effect for the November 4, 2014 General Election should be disregarded. Questions about Voting? Contact your municipal clerk’s Office(https://myvote.wi.gov/), or search the list of all Wisconsin municipal clerks(http://g...

Supporting Public and Private Sector Workers

Wisconsin communities benefit from the crucial work done by Wisconsin's public employees and private sector employees. Our neighbors, families, and friends work together to build thriving, caring communities. One of my grandsons lists public school personnel as his friends: the ladies in the lunch room, the playground supervisors, and the school secretary. He knows these people care about him. Public school teachers work more than 50 hours a week teaching and preparing lessons to meet the diverse needs of our children while maintaining high quality public schools. One of my grandsons cites his history teacher as his favorite teacher. Bus ...

“The Test” – Wisconsin Values – A Progressive Balance

Many months back a group of concerned citizens developed “The Test.” It was centered on three simple words - - - Fairness, Respect and Community. These words were chosen because they embody values that virtually all Wisconsinites hold dear. “The Test” was originally written to give citizens a basis upon which to assess proposed legislation and regulation, but it can also be applied to candidates for public office. As we approach the fall elections it is critical that we ask ourselves - - - does a candidate and what they propose and stand for represent fairness, respect, and community? Here is “The Test” in its original wording with ...