6 results for tag: Climate Change

Reimagine waste: Capturing and reusing carbon to build a better world

If something is not bigger, more expensive, shinier, full of greater functionality and more expensive, it is just not new enough, not good enough. This is a flawed perspective. 


ACTION NEEDED ON CLIMATE CHANGE By Rev. Janet Wolfe Pope Francis issued his encyclical in June encouraging us to take action now on climate change. Then the Environmental Protection Agency issued its Clean Air Plan last week. Both of these are important to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the biggest contributor to global warming. Protecting the environment should not be a partisan issue, because it is extremely important for the future of the planet, for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Ninety seven percent of scientists believe that climate change is at least in part human caused. One of the major contributors is ...


POPE FRANCIS CALLS FOR WORLD DAY OF PRAYER ON SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 By Virginia Kirsch Pope Francis called for a World Day of Prayer for Care of the Earth on September 1. Care of the Earth is top priority for Pope Francis. He wishes all of us could realize our responsibility in caring for the earth and protecting it for the next generations. Pope Francis said that on September 1, people can “reaffirm their personal vocation to be stewards of creation, to thank God for the wonderful handiwork which he has entrusted to our care.” Stewardship of the earth crosses boundaries of generations and religions. All the earth belongs to all the people. ...


There was a time when man took no more Than he needed. That time is gone…. There was a time when he gave something back. That time is gone…. There was a time when he worshipped the creator And honored creation. That time too is gone… Now the waters are polluted. Our natural resources are all but gone And creation is dying… It is time… To find our way back to the earth. --Kevin Thunderhorse Wright   It is easy on warm sunny days to find my way back to the earth. Spring flowers are blooming. Lettuce planted last November has sprouted. Rhubarb plants are pushing through the soil. I grew up in Wisconsin and took our natural ...

Choices for a Happy, Healthy Planet

After a bitterly cold winter, a pretty chilly spring and what seems to many of us here in Wisconsin a darn mild summer, global climate change may not be our most pressing concern.  I, for one, find it easy to mistake my home for the whole world, so it came as a surprise to discover that globally 2014 ranks as the fourth hottest year on record, at least through the end of June, and that many scientists are betting we’ll end up breaking the all time record before the year is out. Globally, May and June were the hottest months since 1880 when we started keeping records. For several months running our atmosphere has been above 400 parts per million ...

Will Wisconsin Utilities Be Left in the Dark?

Solar power is a shining American success story. In 1954 the modern solar cell was developed by Bell Labs, and over the past 60 years as solar installations have grown, the prices have dropped dramatically - making solar affordable for more Americans. In fact, a solar electric system is installed an average of every 4 minutes in the U.S. today. Solar is popular close to home as well. According to a recent survey by UW Milwaukee, 68% of Wisconsin residents support using more renewable energy. Solar and renewable energy (while currently a small percentage of our energy generation mix) continue to grow in deployment and have an incredibly bright future...