September 2016 Events

September 1– Thursday

“Early Brain Development in Children 0 – 5 years of Age”

6:00-7:30 PM at the Democratic Party Office

833 South Third Ave, Wausau

Featuring Julie Burmesch, co-chair of Marathon County Early Childhood Coalition.

September 4, Sunday

Fund-Raiser for Botsfords Defense

Basil Restaurant

2106 Schofield Ave., Weston

1:30 – 3 p.m.

Learn about Enbridge and its attempt to take the Botsford land.

Learn about Eminent Domain, the law used by corporations to claim private land.

September 5— Monday

Wausau Labor Day Parade. Come march with us. Meet at First Avenue and West Wausau Avenue. You can park in the nearby parking lot.

Line up is 3 p.m. Parade starts at 4 p.m.

September 6—Tuesday

Drinking Liberally meets the first Tuesday of every month.


408 Third Street

Wausau, WI

5:30 – 7 p.m.

For more information

DL is an informal inclusive progressive social group where you can hang out and relax. D.L gives you a place to talk politics. This is not a book club

September 17, Saturday

Fightingbobfest. 2016

9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Breese Stevens Field, Madison

Preregistration is open at

September 17 – Saturday

Central Wisconsin Water Walk

Organized by the Central Wisconsin Nature Foundation

Walk begins at 9 a.m.

Begin on the dam between Lake Camelot and Lake Sherwood south of Adams County D.

Ends at Barnum Bay on Lake Petenwell


For more information; Patt Pisellini at

September 20Tuesday

“Wisconsin Public School Funding

Presented by Mary Jarvis at UWMC Terrace Room.

625 Stewart Avenue of Wausau.

Sponsored by AAUW (Association of American University Women)

Free and open to the public. 4:00 PM

September 22Thursday

“A Time for Justice”

This video is produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Shown at the UU (Universalist Unitarian0 Church

504 Grant Street, Wausau at 6:00 PM.

Open and Free to the public.