Save the Menominee River

The 2nd Annual Water Celebration is in the books!

We are very proud of the Coalition! Everyone was geared up and ready to handle the masses. We witnessed an outpouring of work, shouldering of responsibilities, and labor of love for the Menominee River that filled our hearts with appreciation for everyone’s assistance for the Coalition’s major fundraiser.

We look forward to the 5K Walk-A-Thon on August 28th for our next large event.

It was heartwarming to present “Trailblazer” awards to Ron and Carol Henriksen (Front 40) and Mary Hansen, recognizing current and previous work on behalf of the Menominee River.

“Thank You” is barely enough, but let it be known, it comes from the bottom of our hearts

how much we appreciate each and every person for your work.

MC:  Erin Davisson

Music:  Good Fellas

Sound:  Jim Meek Audio

Wally:  Pam Meek

Patio Umbrella:    furnished by Ron Burie

Guest Speakers:     David Grignon

Sayokla Kindness Willaims

Kathleen Heideman

Dr. Al Gedicks


Guests: Ellen Vial. Michigan Environmental Council, Lansing, MI.

Tim Cordon, Building Unity, Madison, WI.

Gary and Betty Seymour, Return to Familiar Waters books by Scott Seymour

Pastor Ken and Joanne Michaelis

Karen Fischer, Great Old Broads for Wilderness

Sales:   Mary Hansen (crafts), Kathy and Rick Prusak, Lori Paitl

Menominee River Song:    Mary Hansen

Raffle Tickets: Warren and Judie McKenney (also donation of the “Foxy” Guitar,

case and strap) and Ron Burie (sales)

and ALL the people who purchased raffle tickets to support our


Information (brochures, handouts, buttons):  Nancy Stencil, Elaine LeMere,

Marlene Nelson

Corn Hole Champion Contest:  Jody Korch

Jeff “Budda” Budish

Attorney: Ted Warpinski and his wife Kelly

Website Administrator:   Michael Rock and his wife Amy.

Merchandise Sales:   Diane Woods

Karen Prange

Wanda Brien

Judee Burie

Ed and Sally Draze

Natalie Lashmet

Children’s Activities:  Natalie Lashmet

Tent Assembly:  Ron Burie, Luke Zastrow, Warren McKenney, J.C., Mark Fleury,

and others.

Bay Cities Radio:  Michael Wolfe: Radio Personality / Interviews

Melissa Ebsch, News Director

Camille Sowle, Promotion Coordinator

News Media:     Matt,  TV 6, Marquette, MI

Alex, Peshtigo Times

Menominee County Journal

                          Eagle Herald

Mark and Karen Doremus, Documentarians

Please forgive us if we have missed anyone who donated your time

and talents to help with the Water Celebration.


Challenges are in front of us.  Let’s be grateful for our past accomplishments and

stay the course as we defend the Menominee River from sulfide mining.


We are sincerely thankful to all of you,

Dale and Lea Jane Burie

**Editors Note: We all thank Dale and Lea Jane Burie. Their dedication is beyond measure.