Save the Date: Education, Inc. Documentary: “Follow the Money Corrupting Our Schools”
Save the Date:
Education, Inc. Documentary:
“Follow the Money Corrupting Our Schools”
Friday Aug. 14, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Tues. Aug. 18, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Marathon County Public Library
300 N. 1st Street
Wausau, WI 54403
3rd Floor Mtg. Rm (use elevator)
Please be aware of the 2-hour parking limit in the Library’s main lot, we ask that you utilize the nearby parking ramps instead.
This documentary explores the hidden corporate and political interests attempting to take over American public education across the country. Our very own Wisconsin educational researchers, Dr. Julie Mead and Dr. Julie Underwood (UW Madison, Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis) share their observations.
Wisconsin in many ways is a case study and laboratory of outside money’s influence. Public schools nationwide struggle for funding, complicated by the impact of poverty and politics, corporate reformers see opportunity. Bring family & friends!
Watch Trailer Here:
Education Inc. Trailer from Fast Forward Films, LLC on Vimeo.