• Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation began in Wausau, Wisconsin with Employers’ Mutual over 100 years ago. This model system protects injured workers and makes sure they are treated fairly. This plan benefits both employers and employees. The Wisconsin Workers Compensation Plan is nationally respected.

On Tuesday, November 10, Rep. John Spiros (R-Marshfield) and Rep. Duey Stroebel (R-Saukville) introduced AB501. They say the bill will prevent workers from fraud and abuse of the system. This bill is dangerous because it would considerably weaken the Workers Compensation System and undermine the work of The Advisory Council. The bill has gone to the Assembly Committee on Insurance.

AB501 would reduce the payment to injured workers. It would also require workers to use the employers’ health care network.

Workers Comp. in Wisconsin is guided by the Wisconsin workers Compensation Advisory Council. Both labor and management send representatives to the Council. The Council meets regularly to study and make sure the system protects workers, employers, insurers and medical care providers. The Council’s recommendations are brought to the Legislature as an agreed-upon bill.

Legislators trust the Advisory Council. The Council members have excellent knowledge and experience in workers’ compensation. The Council protects injured workers from partisan politics. Any changes to Workers’ Comp. System should come through the Advisory Council. However, AB501 bypassed the Council.

Please call or e-mail your legislators to stop this bill from going any further. Why would state politicians want to destroy a system that works? Why would state politicians do away with a plan that benefits everyone in industry: workers, employers, insurers and medical care providers?